This article is more than 5 years old.

On Tuesday, September 17th, Mike Causey, an organic farmer with Lodge Dodge Farm, spoke to several staff members of the library about organic farming as sustainable agriculture. The talk was hosted by the Staff Development Committee.

Mr. Causey discussed how he came to be an organic farmer and about the products that he grows and sells at the Greensboro Farmer’s Curb Market. He also discussed the requirements for food to be qualified as “organic.” As some of you might already know, it is food that is grown without the use of conventional pesticides, artificial fertilizers, growth hormones, or genetic modification.

At the end of his talk, Mr. Causey showed us some of the organic products that he sells at the Curb Market such as yams, figs, and pepper jelly. He even brought several purple potatoes for us all to take home!