This article is more than 5 years old.

We kicked off Teaching Teaching last Friday with an overview of Instructional Design. I used the very same powerpoint from the first class, which you can see here:

I am scheduled to be out of town on Friday, so we also discussed how to use the next session. Some were interested in comparing notes about their classes. Others were interested in a journal reading group. I promised to send out some reading and people can show up at 9:00 and divide up depending on their interest.

So, here’s the reading:

7 Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education

This piece is often referred to by the author’s names: “Chickering and Gamson,” so much so that when I first heard of it I was looking for something written by “Chickeringamson!” It’s a bit dated, but still good background and many parts are still quite relevant.

I’m not sure I’m 100% enough for the traveling we were planning to do, so I might see you on Friday. Either way, I hope it’s a good session and we’ll return to regularly scheduled meetings the next Friday!