This article is more than 5 years old.

The Web Committee would like to share some highlights from its Valentine’s Day feedback table. That’s right – we gave away heart-shaped sweets on Valentine’s Day in exchange for website feedback. (And guess what – they had only lovely things to say. What’s that? Something wrong with our research methodology?)

Adjacent to Starbucks in the library entrance, the table was staffed by student assistants who distributed lollipops to students who answered a brief survey concerning the library website. The survey, available online and in paper at the table, included four required questions and one optional free text question: we asked how often they visit the website, whether they use the site on their smartphone, if they had any suggestions for improvements or other general comments, etc.

Starting at 10AM, the table operated until our supply of lollipops was exhausted – about 4PM – and by the end, we had over 150 respondents! Overall, the results have only enhanced the committee’s enthusiasm for continued feedback.

Some of the comments included:

  • “I like how easy it is to do interlibrary loans.”
  • “More twitter updates”
  • “Have a more visible link on the Wake homepage!”
  • “I wish there was still the ability to do a multisearch with the databases.”

And what website survey would be complete without a couple non-website comments:

  • “have a haunted house in the library”
  • “make the 8th floor less freezing”

Many thanks to Mary R., Kaeley, Audra, Chris, Gretchen, Lauren, Tim, and everyone who helped!