This article is more than 5 years old.

The Web Committee (Kevin, Lauren, Gretchen, Audra, Kaeley, Chris, and Mary R.) had a busy fall and we thought we would share a summary of what we accomplished last semester. Two big projects included the implementation of our social media plan and the transformation of the homepage carousel.

Our social media plan featured an increased presence for the library on a range of social networking sites. For a while, the library has had accounts with Flickr and Facebook. In addition to these, we now have accounts with Twitter, Gowalla, Delicious, SlideShare, and Vimeo, among others. Members of the committee have worked to populate these services – creating videos, compiling presentations, culling links, etc. – and we continue to manage the content and conversation on these sites. Also, as a first step towards better integration among these services and our website, we embedded the Twitter and Facebook feeds into the library homepage.

The fall semester also witnessed a transformation of the carousel on the homepage. While it was originally intended to feature topics relating to the future of information and libraries, to engage our users in conversations about these issues, and to highlight our expertise and our professional role on campus, the committee decided, based on a range of feedback, to shift the focus. During the fall, we welcomed the Writing Center, we celebrated Lindy Early’s Employee of the Year Award, we promoted our liaison services, we highlighted the 2010 Emmy winners in our media collection – the list goes on. Members of the committee have been the eyes and ears for the carousel, for establishing and maintaining the increased currency of the homepage.

As for the new semester, our ongoing and upcoming projects include a comprehensive content audit (where we will evaluate every page in the site), developing and implementing an updated user research strategy, a move to a content management system, and a redesign.