This article is more than 5 years old.

Jordan provided an overview of OCLC & the library/information industry. He mentioned (84 million records in woldcat 1.x million holdings, talks clickthroughs – 67M in 2005, 85M in 2006). Jordan observes that Worldcat is about driving user back to library through access links. He reports on upcoming features – more content (articlefirst, gpo, eric, medlilne), powerful searching, citation management, resolution. He talked briefly about piloting a direct to user multi-library ILL service in Montana (12 public libraries), integrated Circulation, ILL and direct delivery.

Jordan talked about Worldcat Identities (, a new service which shows author profiles.

Quotes Fred Kilgour – “librarians will move out of the bibliographically infested back halls in to the user infested front halls where it will be necessary to provide new principles, standards, work skills, and new job descriptions and titles”