#Handheld Librarian

Inside ZSR

Mobile Library, Handheld Librarian

On February 17, I attended the keynote session entitled “This is Now: The Mobile Library” as part of the Handheld Librarian Online Conference. The presenter was Joe Murphy who received the Library Journal ‘Movers & Shakers” award in 2009. As a “trend setter,” Murphy believes that librarians need to think mobile about library services. As... more

Iphone apps for libraries, Handheld Librarian, bestest 1 hour talk ever

Minglu Wang talked about how to develop applications for iphones/mobile devices. She started out with a survey of what platforms people used. 69% of attendees were iphone/ipod users :). Who says it isn’t “all about the iphone.” It was interesting to see that 80% of people in attendance were interested primarily in developing websites for... more

Handheld Librarian – Mobile tagging / QR codes

This session was conducted by Beatrice Pulliam and Chris Landry from Providence College. They discussed the use of mobile taggin and QR codes. QR codes are 2-dimensional codes which can be scanned using a camera (on a cell phone for example). Some functions of mobile tagging include websites, contacts, and geo-location. I have been wondering... more

Handheld Librarian Live blog

Handheld Librarian kicked off today with a keynote from Tom Peters, CEO of TAP information services. He focused on providing reference via mobile services & started by focusing on some statistics that talked about how rapidly cell phone technology has been adopted (he asserted that the cell phone became popular faster than the toaster :)).... more

Handheld Librarian Online Conference – Tom Peters

I attended the Handheld Librarian Online Conference on Thursday, July 30th and heard a presentation by Tom Peters. Peters is CEO of Tap Information Services and has 20 years experience in academic libraries. His presentation was entitled: “Mobility and Singularity: People, Communication, Information, Information Objects, and Information Services in Motion.” Peters began by stating that... more

Launching a Text a Librarian Service: Cornell’s Experience with Text-a-Librarian

I sat in on a couple of the concurrent sessions of the day-long “Hand-Held Librarian” online conference on July 30. I was particularly interested in hearing how a library system with the stature of Cornell University had implemented a service which we ourselves have in fact successfully launched already. The participants were Virginia Cole, Reference... more