Calloway Center
The Calloway Center is composed of two wings: Manchester Hall and Kirby Hall. Manchester Hall was originally called the Babcock School, and it housed the Babcock Graduate School of Management. The Babcock Graduate School moved to the Worrell Professional Center, and the area of the building it resided in was renamed West Hall. In 2005, West Hall became Manchester Hall and is the home of the Mathematics and Computer Science departments. The name is derived from the last name of Doug and Elizabeth Manchester in honor of their substantial donation to the University. Additionally, the “Mag Quad” is formally known as Manchester Plaza in their honor.
Kirby Hall is named after the F.M. Kirby Foundation due to their contribution to the Calloway Hall renovations which began in 2001. It was dedicated on April 1, 2004. Kirby Hall houses classrooms and meeting spaces for students and professors in the Undergraduate School of Business. The whole complex is named after Wayne Calloway (‘59), a former CEO of PepsiCo and member of the Wake Forest Board of Trustees.