Manchester Athletic Center
The Manchester Athletic Center was built in 1977 and is named in honor of Doug and Elizabeth Manchester after they made a substantial monetary contribution to Wake Forest in 2002. Located within Manchester Athletic Center is the Bob McCreary Strength Complex, a state of the art room designed to maximize space and help athletes improve their game. Bob McCreary, a former Deacon football player, graduated in 1963 and made his success in the furniture industry. He donated a large amount of money to the construction of Deacon Tower and the scoreboard at BB&T Field.
Connected to the Manchester Athletic Center, you will find the Pruitt Football Center. The Pruitt wing has been dedicated to the memory of Mark C. Pruitt, a former Deacon football player. The lobby of Pruitt Center is dedicated to Coach William M. Faircloth for his commitment to the gridiron Deacons. Renovated in 2004, this facility houses coaches’ offices, the team locker room, and team meeting rooms. One room in the building is designed for the purposes of NFL scouts where they can watch film and gather player statistics. Visitors to the complex will also find the Decker Auditorium. This spacious setting is used for team meetings where players and coaches can relax and listen in chairs embroidered with the Wake Forest logo. Adjacent to the Athletic Center is the Doc Martin Football Practice Complex where players can hone their skills and prepare for games both physically and mentally. When a game against the Seminoles of Florida State approaches, their war chant (one of the worst sounds ever) can be heard blaring from speakers to mentally toughen the players. The complex has three fields, one being artificial FieldTurf (like BB&T Field), and is named after Wake Forest’s longtime (1958-1980) athletic trainer Louis Martin. The complex was dedicated to “Doc” in 1989.