Leslie McCall

Leslie McCall
Leslie McCall
Cataloging Librarian - Music & Monographs

Leslie C. McCall received her bachelor’s degree in music education from Salem College; a M.A. in music history studies from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; and her M.S.L.S. in library science also from Chapel Hill. She was Music Reference Librarian at the University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa from 1987 to 1989, and has been a cataloger and music specialist on the faculty of Wake Forest University’s Z. Smith Reynolds Library since 1990.


McCall, Leslie, Sajewsky, Mallory, Outhier, Sara, & Lewin-Lane, Stephanie. (2017). Career Development & Services Committee Interviews Service Coordinators. Music Library Association Newsletter, (194), 19-20. http://newsletter.musiclibraryassoc.org/index.php/newsletter/article/view/303/329

McCall, Leslie. (2017). Summary of MLA 2017 conference Best of Chapters session: Hyperconnected Access to Archival Music Collections. Hyperconnected Access to Archival Music Collections, (190). http://newsletter.musiclibraryassoc.org/index.php/newsletter/article/view/297/322#hyperconnected

McCall, Leslie. (2016). Report from the MOUG Annual Meeting: Lightening Talk: The Cataloging of Self-Published Items. Music OCLC Users Group Newsletter, June 2016(Number 122), pages 15-16. https://musicoclcusers.org/publications/newsletters/

Daugman, Ellen, McCall, Leslie, & McMahan, Kaeley. (2011). Designing and Implementing an Information Literacy Course in the Humanities. Communications in Information Literacy, 5(2), 127-143. http://www.comminfolit.org/index.php/cil

Book Reviews

McCall, Leslie. (2017). [untitled review]. Technical Services Quarterly, 34(4), 2. https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/wtsq20/34/4


Daugman, Ellen, McCall, Leslie, & McMahan, Kaeley. (2015, March). Humanities Information Literacy: Developing and Improving a For-Credit Course. LAUNC-CH, Chapel Hill, NC. http://launcch.web.unc.edu/events/conference/

Committees & Offices Held

Music Library Association, Career Development and Services Committee, Member. (February 28, 2016 - February 28, 2020).

Music Library Association, Best-of-Chapters Award Committee, Chair. (February 28, 2016 - February 23, 2019).

Southeast Music Library Association, Program Committee, Member. (December 13, 2013 - August 31, 2014).