Rebecca Petersen May

Rebecca Petersen May
Rebecca Petersen May (she/her)
Public Services Archivist


Petersen, Rebecca. (2015). Big Web, Small Staff: Web Archiving with Limited Resources. Archival Outlook.

Petersen, Rebecca, Gilbertson, Kevin, & Fansler, Craig. (2014). The Missing Link: Observations on the Evolution of a Web Archive. Journal of the Society of North Carolina Archivists, 11(1).


Rutledge, Melde, Ashelee, Gerald, Petersen, Rebecca, Zanish-Belcher, Tanya, & Turner, Finley. (2020, August). The Kingswood K-12 Alternative School Project: Providing Additional Educational Opportunities for Students and Teachers. ARCHIVES*RECORDS 2020, online.

Petersen, Rebecca, Gilbertson, Kevin, & Trent, Finley. (2017, October). From Wake to Winston: A Historical Timeline of Wake Forest University. NCLA Annual Conference, Winston-Salem, NC.

Petersen, Rebecca. (2014, June). Planning for the Future, Living in the Past. Retrofit: Exploring Space, Place, and the Artifact in Special Collections, Las Vegas, Nevada.

Johnson, Vicki, & Petersen, Rebecca. (2013, October). We The People: Creating a More Perfect Archive. Tri-State Archivists' Conference, Greenville, SC (Furman University).

Fansler, Craig, & Petersen, Rebecca. (2013, October). Clarence Herbert New: A Man of Extremes. Prepared in Mind and Resources: Collaboration, Relevance, and the Re-Imagined Archives, Furman University, Greenville, SC.

Committees & Offices

Society of American Archivists: Reference Access and Outreach Section, Chair. (August 2018 - August 2019).

Society of American Archivists: Reference Access and Outreach Section, Vice Char/Chair Elect. (August 2017 - August 2018).

Society of American Archivists: Manuscript Repositories Section, Steering Committee Member. (August 2017 - August 2019).

Society of North Carolina Archivists, Nominations Committee Chair. (May 1, 2016 - April 30, 2019).

Society of North Carolina Archivists, President. (May 1, 2015 - Present).