
Here @ ZSR

Exciting Zotero Updates!

Earlier this summer, ZSR’s favorite citation management software, Zotero, received a number of exciting updates with the release of Zotero 5.0. Read on for a list of the biggest updates and register for one of our upcoming lunchtime workshops to get your questions answered. The Big Updates Journal Feeds This is a big one, folks. If you’ve... Continue reading “Exciting Zotero Updates!”

10 Ways to Get Your Citation Game on Point with Zotero

Zotero is an amazing free tool for helping you collect, organize, cite, and share your research sources. Think of it as EasyBib on steroids. We at ZSR absolutely LOVE Zotero, so much so that we offer Zotero workshops all the time. Here are ten ways you can use Zotero to help you research like a... Continue reading “10 Ways to Get Your Citation Game on Point with Zotero”

Sources, Citations and Cookies!

If you are working on a research paper or project this semester and would like a bit of help from one of the research experts at the ZSR Library, here’s your chance. We are holding three drop-in research help sessions during the end of the semester paper-writing season in ZSR Library classroom 476: Sunday, April... Continue reading “Sources, Citations and Cookies!”