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Databases A-Z
523 databases 1 new in the last 4 months
- E-Book resource that features important works of scholarship in the history of art, architecture, decorative arts, photography, and design, including out-of-print titles, key backlist, and recent releases from academic and museum publishers.
- Indexes and selectively abstracts periodical articles, monographs, critical editions of literary works, book reviews, collections of essays, and doctoral dissertations published anywhere in the world. Emphasis is on British, American and Commonwealth writing. Also includes links to the full text of more than 60 journals.Coverage: 1920-.
- Includes international coverage and provides researchers a complete picture of companies and business trends around the world.
- Provides access to journals covering the social sciences, humanities, education, and more. Good general-purpose database for researching most topics.Coverage: 1985-.
- AccessEngineering includes books, dictionaries, encyclopedias, handbooks, videos, data/statistics, tutorials, and other content to help students and faculty in engineering and other STEM fields. From Schaum’s Outlines to textbooks, students can utilize resources to study/learn and instructors can integrate content into their curriculum.
- Provides full-text, image level access to historical periodicals from colonial and early American history. ZSR has purchased: The Virginia Gazette, South Carolina Newspapers, and The Pennsylvania Gazette.
- A comprehensive online medical education resource. Includes reference tools, images, a diagnostic tool, drug & patient information, textbooks, cases, videos, and self-assessment for medical students.
- Only 2 concurrent users allowed. Please log out when ending your session. Contains analytical accounting, auditing, governmental, and SEC information as well as data.Coverage: Details not available.
- The Association for Computing Machinery’s Digital Library includes the full text of journals, technical magazines, books, proceedings, conferences, and newsletters. The interlinked set of connections among authors, works, institutions, and specialized communities enhances analytics and discoverability.Coverage: 1975-.
- Covers classic journal authoring topics, styling conventions needed for all scholarly communication, and emerging areas of interest in scholarly communication. Addtionallly covered are all instructions from previous editions (completely updated and modernized) and new chapters covering preprints, Open Access, machine-readable data, and more.
- eBooks covering a broad range of topics including agricultural and food chemistry, cellulose and renewable materials, chemical education, organic chemistry, polymer chemistry, materials, and many others.
- Online access to the website of the trade magazine Advertising Age. Includes: current articles and an archive of older issues; and the AdAge DataCenter. VPN required for off-campus use.
- An authoritative guide to works in African studies published annually since 1984. This online consolidated version brings together every record collected since the bibliography’s foundation.
- Focusing predominantly on Atlanta, Chicago, New York, and towns and cities in North Carolina, this resource presents multiple aspects of the African American community through a range of primary source materials.Coverage: 1863-1986.
- Search the full text of newspapers published by or for African Americans between 1827-1998 to gain insights into African American history, culture, and daily life. Includes page images.Coverage: 1827-1998.
- Search the full text of newspapers published by or for African Americans between 1835-1956 to gain insights into African American history, culture, and daily life. Includes page images.Coverage: 1835-1956.
- Search the full text of periodicals published by or about African Americans to gain insights into African American history, society, and culture.Coverage: 1825-1995.
- Contains nearly 3,000 poems by African American poets of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.Coverage: 1750-1900.
- Search the full text of English- and foreign-language titles from Angola, Ghana, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Sao Tome and Principe, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe.Coverage: 1800-1922.
- Covers the world’s agricultural literature, including plant and animal sciences, forestry, soil and water resources, and earth and environmental sciences. Contains bibliographic records from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Library including patents, software, audiovisual materials, and technical reports from the USDA agencies and the U.S. State Agricultural Colleges and Universities.Coverage: 1970-.
- Includes a streamlined interface, intuitive search & browse, and personalization features.
- Search the full text of historical newspapers. WFU access includes the Early American Newspapers Series 1 (1690-1876), African American Newspapers Series 1 (1827-1998), African American Newspapers Series 2 (1835-1956), and Caribbean Newspapers (1718-1876).Coverage: 1690-1876, 1827-1998.
- Features national, regional and local news from across the United States from the 1980s to the present. Includes the Winston-Salem Journal. A great resource for getting news from regional and local news sources.Coverage: 1980s-.
- Search for articles about the history and culure of the United States and Canada. Publications include peer-reviewed journals, magazines, dissertations, books, and more. Access is limited to six simultaneous users. Note: For world history topics, use the Historical Abstracts database.Coverage: 1964-.
- A collection of American periodicals published between 1684 and 1912. Documents the life of America's people from the Colonial Era through the Civil War and Reconstruction.
- Over 1,500 dramatic works from the early 18th century up to the beginning of the 20th century.Coverage: 1714-1915.
- Journals, periodicals, and magazines documenting the American people from the Colonial Era through the Civil War, Reconstruction, and the twentieth century.
- Sourced from the Gilder Lehman Collection, this collection of primary source materials contains two thematic modules – Module I: Settlement, Commerce, Revolution and Reform: 1493-1859; Module II: Civil War, Reconstruction and the Modern Era: 1860-1945.Coverage: 1493-1945.
- Provides access to primary and secondary sources including treaties, captivity narratives, traditional stories, speeches, maps and images that engage students with the historical experiences and contemporary practices of more than 150 Native American tribes across North America. Includes the WPA Narrative Collection on Removal to Oklahoma.
- American National Biography consists of brief biographies of Americans with significant achievements, fame, or influence. "American" is defined as a person whose significant actions occurred during his or her residence within what is now the United States or whose life or career directly influenced the course of American history. Only deceased persons are included.Coverage: Details not available.
- Search the full text of historical American periodicals from the 1700s up to 1900, including articles, advertisements, and illustrations. Titles range from Benjamin Franklin’s General Magazine and America’s first scientific journal, Medical Repository; popular magazines such as Vanity Fair and Ladies’ Home Journal; regional and niche publications; and groundbreaking journals like The Dial, Puck, and McClure’s.Coverage: 1740-1900.
- Contains over 40,000 poems by more than 200 poets, covering the Colonial period to the early twentieth century.Coverage: 1600-1900.
- Collection of primary sources such original manuscripts, maps, ephemeral material and rare printed sources, that cover social, political, and economic aspects of the American West. Note: Cross-searchable with American Indian Histories and Cultures.
- An online family history resource that provides access to historical documents and photos, including birth and death certificates, census records, and more. Useful for biographical research.
- Modern scholarship covering ancient Greek and Roman/Latin language, literature, linguistics, history, philosophy, archaeology, religion, mythology, science, etc. The time period covered is the second millennium B.C.E to roughly 800 C.E. The database is in English.Coverage: 1959-present.
- Provides access to periodicals, journals, and edited works, with an emphasis on archaeology, anthropology, and linguistics.Coverage: Late 19th century-present.
- Provides access to the full-text of peer-reviewed articles published in all APA journals as well as select affiliated journals. All PsycARTICLES content is included in PsycINFO.
- Provides abstracts to journal articles, book chapters, books and dissertations in psychology and related disciplines (sociology, linguistics, anthropology, education, medicine, law, physiology, business, psychiatry, nursing, pharmacology). Links to full text in PsycARTICLES and to other resources in ZSR.Coverage: 1806-.
- Provides access to British government files from the Foreign, Colonial, Dominion and Foreign and Commonwealth Offices, including previously restricted letters, diplomatic dispatches, reports, trial papers, activists’ biographies and first-hand accounts of events.Coverage: 1948-1980.
- Provides access to primary source materials for Latin America and the Caribbean back to the colonial period, including original manuscripts, signed letters, expedition records, reports, maps, diaries, descriptions of voyages, ephemera, and more. Materials are sourced from archival collections in the United States and Europe.
- Provides access to materials exploring important aspects of LGBTQ life. Includes periodicals, newsletters, manuscripts, government records, organizational papers, correspondence, an international selection of posters, and other primary source materials. Includes access to five modules: LGBTQ History Since 1940, part 1; LGBTQ History Since 1940, part 2; Sex and Sexuality, Sixteenth to Twentieth Century; International Perspectives on LGBTQ Activism and Culture; and L’Enfer de la Bibliotheque Nationale de France Digital Archive.Coverage: 1600-Current.
- Topically-focused digital collections of primary, unpublished historical documents drawn from institutional and governmental sources and private collections. Broad topic clusters include: African American studies; American Indian studies; Asian studies; British history; Holocaust studies; LGBT studies; Latin American and Caribbean studies; Middle East studies; political science; religious studies; women’s studies; and more.
- Provides full-text and citations for scholarly journals articles, magazines, exhibition reviews, and trade publications, covering antiques, art, art history, architecture, interior and landscape design, and more. Also includes an image collection.Coverage: Details not available.
- Provides full-text and citations for scholarly journals articles, magazines, exhibition reviews, and trade publications. Also indexes reproductions of works of art that appear in periodicals. Topics covered include antiques, archaeology, art, art history, architecture, folk art, graphic arts, interior and landscape design, movies, and television. Also includes an image collection.Coverage: 1929-.
- Search corpora of French texts by keyword and see results in context. The complete text cannot be displayed. Other databases available through ARTFL include sources like Textes de Français Ancien and Provençal Poetry.Coverage: 12th-20th centuries.
- Indexes journals in the arts and humanities. Provides links to full-text when available. Useful for searching for articles that cite a known author or work (citation searching). Citation searching also allows you to use a given work as a subject term in order to identify more recent articles about the same topic.Coverage: 1975-.
- Provides images for use in academic papers and presentations, covering a broad range of subjects beyond art history. Images have been contributed by major museums, institutional archives, personal collections. Artstor is now integrated into the JSTOR platform.
- Encompasses all civil engineering content areas, including construction, structures, transportation, geotechnics, environment, water resources, and civil engineering practice.
- Covers health, social services, psychology, sociology, economics, politics, race relations and education.Coverage: 1987-.
- Writing and editing reference for newsrooms, classrooms, and corporate offices.
- The premier database for research in religious studies, the Atla database provides full-text coverage for major international journals, magazines, and professional publications. Multiple religious traditions and related disciplines, such as anthropology, political science, counseling, and history are represented.Coverage: 1818-.
- Covers all aspects of architecture and architectural history, including design, historic preservation, urban planning, and landscape design.Coverage: 1930s-present.
- BCC’s market research reports explore major economic, scientific, and technological developments in a variety of categories including finance, high tech, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, and startups.
- Comprehensive fashion database, includes the Berg Enyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion, scholarly ebooks, and images from museums such as the Victoria & Albert, The Museum at FIT, and the Bata Shoe Museum.
- Covers international literature on the history of art in Europe and North America from late antiquity to the present. Indexed content covers 1975-2007. Coverage after 2007 is found in the International Bibliography of Art.Coverage: 1975-2007.
- Contains 20 different versions of the English Bible from the 10th to the 20th century, including 12 full Bibles, 5 New Testament texts, 2 versions of the Gospels only, and William Tyndale’s translations of the Pentateuch, Jonah, and the New Testament.Coverage: 990-1970.
- The Bibliography of Asian Studies is a comprehensive database that covers the cultures and histories of East, Southeast, and South Asia, as well as overseas Asian communities.
- Contains full-text biographies of historical and contemporary figures from around the world. Sources include Biography Today, Britannica, US presidential and congressional sources, Cambridge, and more. Formerly named Biography Reference Center.Coverage: varies.
- Includes citations & abstracts from international life sciences journals. Fields covered include: biology, botany, zoology, biotechnology, and environmental studies.Coverage: 1980-.
- Biological journals covering biology, ecology, and environment with specific emphasis on systematics, botany, mammalogy, plant science, conservation biology, toxicology, agronomy, ornithology, limnology, and taxonomy.Coverage: 2000-.
- bird is a continually updated inventory of commercially licensed and open access research databases. It is a tool for librarians and researchers for analysis and identification of available databases.
- Provides detailed industry analysis and market research reports on more than 16,000 lines of business in national and local markets. Uses include valuation, business plans, due diligence and competitive benchmarking.
- Contains diplomatic dispatches, letters, and more that circulated between The British Foreign Office in London and British embassies and consulates in China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong between 1919 and 1980.Coverage: 1919-1980.
- Contains diplomatic dispatches, letters, and more that circulated between The British Foreign Office in London and British embassies and consulates in India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, Sikkima and Kashmir between 1947 and 1980.Coverage: 1947-1980.
- Contains diplomatic dispatches, letters, and more that circulated between The British Foreign Office in London and British offices in the Middle East. Three modules cover: the 1973 Arab-Israeli War and the Oil Crisis, the Lebanese Civil War and the Camp David Accords, and the Iranian Revolution and the Iran-Iraq War.Coverage: 1971-1974.
- Provides searchable, full page image digital access to newspapers from throughout the British isles, including Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Wales. Includes access to Parts I & II (1800-1900).Coverage: 1800-1900.
- Provides complete online coverage of the sessional papers of the British House of Commons from 1695 to 2015 and the 19th Century House of Lords. It covers working documents of government for all areas of social, political, economic and foreign policy.Coverage: 1688-2015.
- Provides searchable, full page image digital access to British journals published between the late 1600s and early 1900s. Topics covered include, literature, art, music, architecture, drama, history, science, and more. Includes access to collections I & II.Coverage: 1680s-1930s.
- You will need to create an account using your WFU email to access to all Business Journals including the Greensboro/Triad Business Journal and Charlotte Business Journal. Find the latest breaking business news, updated throughout the day, this week’s top stories, and other popular features from the print edition.
- Includes abstracts, indexing, and full text from international business periodicals like the Harvard Business Review. Also includes Datamonitor company profiles.Coverage: 1886-.
- Covers books and periodicals of the 19th century. Corresponds to or provides indexing for: Poole’s Index to Periodical Literature, Nineteenth Century Short Title Catalogue, American Periodicals Series, Wellesley Index to Victorian Periodicals, House of Commons Parliamentary Papers, ArchivesUSA, and Palmer’s Index to the Times.Coverage: 1800-1900.
- Provides publishing information to assist in preparing manuscripts for publication. Includes information on journals’ preferred topic areas, style & format, review processes, number of copies required, acceptance rates, etc.Coverage: Current.
- Topically focused collections of essays that seek to provide comprehensive analysis of major events, peoples, and ideas in world history.
- The Capital IQ platform provides research, data, and analysis on private and public companies. Covers areas of corporate finance, including investment banking, equity research, asset management and more. Users will need to create an account with their WFU email in order to access Capital IQ. Click “new user”, in the upper right corner of the Capital IQ landing page to get started.
- Provides searchable, full page image digital access to newspapers published in the Caribbean region during the 18th and 19th century. Includes titles published in English, Spanish, French, and Danish.Coverage: 1718-1876.
- Simultaneously searches sources like, IRS Tax Map, Forms & Instructions, state-specific departments of revenue, AICPA, and the Big 4.Coverage: Details not available.
- A database of research published in China. Contains journals, theses/dissertations, proceedings, newspapers and more. ZSR subscribes to Series F: Literature / History / Philosophy. Access availabe through VPN only.
- Provides access to primary sources documenting the cultural and trading relationships that emerged between America, China and the Pacific region between the 18th and 20th centuries.
- Provides digitized, full-text access to pamphlets published between c. 1750 and 1929, mostly in English, that address such issues as foreign relations and diplomacy, the Chinese Diaspora, missionaries and Christianity, and more. Also includes some secondary source material.Coverage: 1750-1929.
- Access primary sources from nine archives in the UK, New Zealand, and the US to give insight into the changes in China during this period. Covers the time period from the earliest English embassy to the birth and early years of the People’s Republic.Coverage: 1793-1980.
- Chinese Civil War And US-China Relations: Records Of US State Dept Office Chinese Affairs, 1945-1955Contains documents from the US State Department’s Office of Chinese Affairs from 1945-1955. Provides insight into the domestic issues in Communist and Nationalist China, U.S. containment policy as it was extended to Asia, and Sino-American relations during the post-war period.Coverage: 1945-1955.
- This resources encompases publications from the Church Missionary Society, the South American Missionary Society, and the Church of England Zenana Missionary Society, from 1804-2009. In addition to religious perspectives, these publications give information on political and social issues in the various regions in which these societies were working.Coverage: 1804-2009.
- Provides broad content and high volume of full texts for nursing and allied health research. Specialties include ambulatory care, occupational therapy, pediatrics, psychiatry, nuclear medicine, gerontology, and more. Resources include quick lessons, evidence-based care sheets, CEU modules, and research instruments tools.
- Includes clinical information: medical books, journal articles, drug information, patient education materials, etc.
- Includes the full text of regularly updated clinical & healthcare systematic reviews provided by the Cochrane Collaboration.Coverage: Current issue.
- Provides access to all volumes of the CO 5 series from the UK National Archives, which consists of the original correspondence between the British government and the governments of the American colonies.
- A source for NGO, IGO, ThinkTank, research institute, and grey literature on politics, international affairs, security studies, global finance, diplomatic practice, humanitarian law, global governance, development studies, and environmental studies. Contains working papers, research reports, proceedings, and more.Coverage: 1991-.
- Contains scholarly literature on all aspects of communication studies, including discourse, linguistics, media studies, and rhetoric.Coverage: 1915-.
- Complete volumes of all British Government Confidential Print for Africa. All items marked ‘Confidential Print’ were printed and circulated immediately to leading officials in the Foreign Office, to the Cabinet and to heads of British missions abroad.Coverage: 1834-1966.
- Complete volumes of all British Government Confidential Print for Central and South America and the French- and Spanish-speaking Caribbean. All items marked ‘Confidential Print’ were printed and circulated immediately to leading officials in the Foreign Office, to the Cabinet and to heads of British missions abroad.Coverage: 1833-1969.
- Complete volumes of all British Government Confidential Print for the countries of the Levant and the Arabian peninsula, Iran, Turkey, Egypt and Sudan. All items marked ‘Confidential Print’ were printed and circulated immediately to leading officials in the Foreign Office, to the Cabinet and to heads of British missions abroad.Coverage: 1839-1969.
- Complete volumes of all British Government Confidential Print for the United States, Canada and the English-speaking Caribbean, with some coverage of Central and South America. All items marked ‘Confidential Print’ were printed and circulated immediately to leading officials in the Foreign Office, to the Cabinet and to heads of British missions abroad.Coverage: 1834-1961.
- Information about congress, members of congress and more back to 1945. Vote records, voting scores, congressional profiles, biographical information and more.Coverage: 1945-Present.
- provides access to current full text and backfile content covering topics including civil rights, health, education, professional development, and entrepreneurship.Coverage: 1992-.
- Collection consists of items originating from prisoners held in German concentration camps, internment and transit camps, Gestapo prisons, and POW camps, during and just prior to World War II. Most of the collection consists of letters written or received by prisoners, but also includes receipts for parcels, money orders and personal effects; paper currency; and objects.Coverage: 1936-1945.
- Streaming video collection for the study of social work, psychotherapy, psychology, and psychiatric counseling. Includes filmed footage of actual, re-enacted, and scripted therapy sessions; videos of experts in particular courses of therapy advising other therapists; lectures; and documentaries.Coverage: Details not available.
- Search across CQ Press content including: Congress Collection, CQ Almanac, CQ Magazine, Encyclopedia of American Government, Politics in America, Public Affairs Collection, Supreme Court Collection, Voting and Elections Collection, Political Handbook of the World, and Supreme Court Compendium.Coverage: 1983-.
- Contains reports and analysis on issues in the news including health, social trends and issues, criminal justice, education, the environment, technology, and the economy. Great resource for background information on current news, hot topics, and social issues. Coverage back to 1923.Coverage: 1991-.
- Chemical database containing substances which are formerly available from the following Dictionaries: Analytical Reagents, Carbohydrates, Inorganic & Organometallic Compounds, Natural Products, Organic Compounds, and Drugs (formerly PharmaSource).
- An authoritative reference source containing physical formulas & mathematical tables used in labs every day. Includes all figures, data, and tables found in the print version.
- Search across hundreds of subject encyclopedias and other reference works. A great place to find background information on almost any research topic. Includes subject trees, pro/con resources, links to scholarly articles and more.
- Contains supporting research on crime, its causes and impacts, legal and social implications, and litigation and crime trends. It also includes correctional and law enforcement trade publications, crime reports, crime blogs, and other material relevant for researchers or those preparing for careers in criminal justice, law enforcement, and related fields.Coverage: 1995-.
- Dance in Video provides video content covering the full scope of 20th and 21st century dance. The collection includes performances, documentaries, interviews, and instructional videos from the most influential performers and companies.
- Includes scans of important dance magazines such as The American Dance/Dance Magazine and Contact Quarterly, as well as photographs, correspondence, essays, ebooks, and dance notation.
- (Formerly ReferenceUSA) Provides addresses and sales information for over 14 million U.S. business establishments and organizations. It is searchable by state, city, zip code, area code or yellow page keywords. Search by SIC or NAICS code if you need to get a list of companies within an industry. Limited credit-rating information also available.Coverage: current year.
- Explore contemporary perceptions of gender through British source material from the 1500s to 2000s, including correspondence, advice literature, periodicals, ephemera and government documents.
- Collection of almost 30,000 Chinese and Japanese ancient books covering historical, political, economic, religious, philosophic, literary, ethnic and geographic documents.
- Contains at least one copy of every surviving Old English text. In some cases, more than one copy is included, if it is significant because of dialect or date. As such, the DOE Web Corpus represents over three million words of Old English and fewer than a million words of Latin.
- Includes sermons, commentaries, letters, and other writings that reflect the religious and social upheavals of the 16th and 17th century Reformation era. Texts written primarily in Latin and English.Coverage: 1500-1700.
- Includes polemical, exegetical, and papal documents that testify to the religious and social upheavals of the 16th and 17th century Counter-Reformation era. Texts written in Latin, English, and French.Coverage: 1500-1700.
- Significant primary documents central to U.S. foreign and military policy since 1945. Contains declassified documents that have been gathered through the U.S. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).Coverage: 1945-2002.
- Provides digital access to 816 large-scale maps of 158 North Carolina towns and cities, including Asheville, Charlotte, Durham, Raleigh, Winston-Salem and many others.Coverage: 1867-1970.
- Digital Theatre+ provides access to hundreds of theatre productions and educational resources covering English and the Performing Arts.
- Multilingual, multi-national collection of streaming films from Spain, France, other European and eastern European countries, North American Classic films, and Latin American films from many Latin American countries including Mexico, Argentina, and Brazil (Portuguese).
- Simultaneously search or browse scholarly e-books and e-journals from Spain, Colombia, Chile, Argentina, Mexico, Peru, Dominican Republic, and more. Subject Collections include Architecture, Art, Caribbean Studies, Historic Periodicals of Spain, Law, Religion and Mythology, Spanish Literature Criticism, and many more.
- Streaming access to CD-quality audio, complete original liner notes and essays from independent record labels and sound archives. The primary focus is the preservation and dissemination of important recordings that have been neglected by the commercial marketplace.
- Includes the texts of plays, scholarly publications, filmed live performances, film adaptations, and audio plays. Collections include the Core Collection, Nick Hern Books Modern Plays, Shakespeare’s Globe on Screen, and Shakespeare in the Present.
- Online edition of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5®), used by clinicians and researchers to diagnose and classify mental disorders. WFU access includes DSM-5, the DSM-5 Handbook of Differential Diagnosis, and DSM-5 Clinical Cases.
- DynaMedex combines the clinical expertise and extensive, curated disease content of DynaMed with the comprehensive view into treatment options, depth and breadth of drug information and advanced search capabilities of Micromedex. Provide users with evidence-based insights for optimal clinical decision-making and improved patient outcomes. This resource replaced UpToDate.
- A collection of American novels and short stories written before 1875. Includes both well-known and obscure figures.Coverage: 1789-1875.
- Includes the full text of all known existing books, pamphlets, and broadsides published in the 13 colonies and the United States between 1639-1819. Combined search of both the Evans collection and the Shaw & Shoemaker collection.Coverage: 1639-1819.
- Includes the full text of all known existing books, pamphlets, and broadsides published in the Thirteen Colonies or the United States between 1639 and 1800. Periodical and newspaper articles are not included.Coverage: 1639-1800.
- Includes the full text of 36,000 books, pamphlets, and broadsides published in the United States between 1801 and 1819. Periodical and newspaper articles are not included.Coverage: 1801-1819.
- Full text of books, pamphlets and broadsides published in England or in English between 1475 and 1700. Includes many of the items indexed in the English Short Title Catalogue. Corresponds to the Pollard and Redgrave, and Wing Short-Title Catalogues, as well as Thomason Tracts.Coverage: 1473-1700.
- Over 200 works of fictional prose by writers from the British Isles from the period 1500-1700.Coverage: 1500-1700.
- Provides access to full-colour, high-resolution facsimile images of rare and hard-to-access printed sources from the 15th to the 17th century. Access to content from Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF) only (Collections 8 & 12).
- GPA provides access to selected newspapers from Russia, Mexico, China, South and Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and North Africa, including El Mundo (Puerto Rico) and The Daily Observer (Liberia). Includes some English-language titles as well as titles in over 30 languages.
- Provides access to the entire Ebony Magazine archive from 1945-2014. Browse issues or search across the entire archive, including images and advertisements.Coverage: 1945-2014.
- Cross searches current national and international news sources, wire services, and regional news sources.
- Contains citations to, and selected abstracts of, the field of economics from international journal articles, dissertations, and books, books chapters and articles and conference proceedings.Coverage: 1969-.
- Fully searchable, complete facsimile edition of The Economist, the weekly magazine covering politics, current affairs and all aspects of business and trade worldwide.Coverage: 1843-2008.
- Contains 11 major editions from the First Folio of 1623 to the Cambridge edition of 1863-6, 28 separate contemporary printings of individual plays and poems, selected apocrypha, and related works. Also contains more than one hundred adaptations, sequels and burlesques from the seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.Coverage: 1591-1911.
- News, analysis, and opinion on K-12 education issues affecting school and district leaders, teachers, policymakers, and ed-tech professionals.
- Contains information on present and past aspects of cultural and social life for a worldwide sample of societies. Provides descriptive information on cultures and ethnic groups. Includes citations, abstracts, and full text of ethnographic and other materials, indexed by culture and subject. Ideal for both exploratory, in-depth cultural research, and cross-cultural comparisons.Coverage: 1991-.
- Contains books, pamphlets and broadsides published in England or in English between 1701 and 1800. Includes many of the items indexed in the English Short Title Catalogue.Coverage: 1701-1800.
- Archive of almost every play submitted for licence in England between 1737 and 1824. Also includes The London Stage 1660-1800 which is a searchable database of every performance in London during those years and the Biographical Dictionary of Actors etc. 1660-1800.
- Search across a wide range of eighteenth century periodicals that cover multiple aspects of contemporary life and culture, including literature, theatre and arts, politics, religion, morality, satire, business, and gender. Primarily UK, but also includes colonial publications from India, Ireland, Canada, and the Caribbean.
- Contains 96 works in English prose by 18th Century British writers.Coverage: 1700-1780.
- One of the largest general reference collections of periodical and digital media content designed specifically for schools and libraries of all kinds, as well as additional subject-based material.
- eMarketer is a digital market research firm devoted to understanding where consumers are going online, how they’re spending their money, and how marketers are reaching them through digital channels.
- Multipurpose and up-to-date biomedical database covering international biomedical literature from 1947 to the present day. All articles are indexed using Elsevier’s Life Science Thesaurus, Embase Indexing, and Emtree.
- Brings together manuscript, printed and visual primary source materials for the study of ‘Empire’ and its theories, practices and consequences. The materials span across the last five centuries and are accompanied by a host of secondary learning resources including scholarly essays, maps and an interactive chronology.Coverage: 1400s-present.
- Includes articles ranging from concise explanations to comprehensive expositions and from historical treatments of subjects to current-events coverage. Includes Britannica’s Book of the Year and Nations of the World.Coverage: 1994-.
- Systematic and exhaustive coverage of reagents used in organic synthesis. The database lists reactions and the most frequently consulted reagents and catalysts. Searchable by structure and substructure, reagent, reaction type and experimental conditions, etc.
- Engineering Workbench includes a curated collection of technical knowledge from the world’s leading publishers, standards developing organizations and trusted information providers. Use the tool to find technical standards and the Research Assistant within Engineering Workbench to brainstorm and solve technical problems.
- is the most widely used collection of corpora (highly searchable collections of texts) anywhere in the world. Users must create an account for access.
- Contains 4,000 plays by 1,200 authors from the late thirteenth century to the early twentieth century.Coverage: 1280-1915.
- Contains over 165,000 poems essentially comprising the complete English poetic canon from 600-1900. More than 1,250 poets are represented.Coverage: 600-1900.
- Offers full text for key periodicals, reference books, case studies, company profiles and videos with transcripts and related articles from the Harvard Faculty Series and Vator.TV. Subjects covered include business planning, management, marketing, product development, raising capital, risk taking, etc.Coverage: Details not available.
- Provides coverage in applicable areas of agriculture, ecosystem ecology, energy, renewable energy sources, natural resources, marine & freshwater science, pollution & waste management, environmental technology, environmental law, urban planning, and more.Coverage: 1901-.
- Indexes and abstracts education journals and documents published by the Educational Resource Information Center of the US Department of Education.Coverage: 1967-.
- Indexes and abstracts education journals and documents published by the Educational Resource Information Center of the US Department of Education.Coverage: 1967-.
- Provides access to peer-reviewed journals, magazines, e-books, biographies and primary source documents that explore the culture, traditions, social treatment, and lived experiences of many ethnic populations in North America.
- Contains articles published in ethnic and minority newspapers and magazines (primarily published in the US), and in international scholarly journals (primarily english language) that focus on ethnic and minority issues.Coverage: 1995-.
- Covers political, economic and statistical information about more than 250 countries and territories, as well as international and regional organizations. A starting point for any kind of country research.Coverage: Details not available.
- Bibliography of works produced in Europe that make some mention of the discovery and emerging awareness of the Americas. Derived from “European Americana: A Chronological Guide to Works Printed in Europe Relating to the Americas, 1493-1750,” commonly known as the Alden-Landis bibliography.
- Comprises thousands of fully searchable images of rare books, pamphlets, periodicals and broadsides addressing political, social and gender issues, religion, race, education, employment, marriage, sexuality, home and family life, health, and pastimes.
- Essays that provide a deeper understanding of how current issues stem from actions and policies of the past.
- Contains the works of 50 poets comprising 140 volumes of poetry. The Faber list includes Ted Hughes, Seamus Heaney, T.S. Eliot, and Sylvia Plath.Coverage: 1925-1999.
- Contains FBI files on a wide range of organizations, people, and activities of some of the most prominent American radical groups and their movements. Includes files on Abbie Hoffman, Ceasar Chavez, The Weather Underground, Students for a Democratic Society and more.Coverage: 1956-1971.
- Contains Justice Department and FBI files on a wide range of African American organizations, people, and activities from 1928-1984. Includes Malcom X, W.E.B. Dubois, NAACP, and more.Coverage: 1920-1984.
- Career database that enables users to explore industries and careers, plan their education, and research best practices for resumes, cover letters, interviewing, networking, and salaries/benefits. Includes articles, career advice blogs, and streaming video.
- Abstracts and indexes journals on topics such as film & television theory, preservation & restoration, writing, production, cinematography, technical aspects, and reviews.Coverage: 1973-.
- Streaming video collection of award-winning documentaries with relevance across the curriculum–race and gender studies, human rights, globalization and global studies, multiculturalism, international relations, criminal justice, environment, bioethics, health, political science and current events, psychology, arts, literature, and more.Coverage: Details not available.
- Contains videos in business, economics, health, medicine, humanities, social sciences, science and mathematics. Includes Oscar, Emmy and Peabody award winning documentaries, interviews, instructional and vocational training videos, historical speeches and newsreels.
- Includes primary source materials including manuscripts, correspondence, printed materials, military files, ephemera and artwork highlighting the experiences of soldiers, civilians, and governments on both sides of the conflict and in multiple theatres of war. ZSR access includes Modules I, II, and III.
- Recorded oral histories of testimonies of individuals first-hand experience of the Nazi persecutions, including those who were in hiding, survivors, bystanders, resistants, and liberators. Users must create an account and be on campus or VPN in order to access testimonies.
- Includes primary source material that captures the lives, experiences and colonial encounters of people living at the edges of the Anglophone world from 1650-1920.Coverage: 1650-1920.
- Provides detailed company and industry profiles including SWOT reports, market share reports, and financial reports, as well as thousands of company histories, case studies, scholarly journals, and company news.
- Search across hundreds of subject encyclopedias and other reference works. A great place to find background information on almost any research topic. Includes a topic finder for help with narrowing or broadening your research topic.Coverage: varies.
- Contains more than 600,000 biographical entries covering international figures from all time periods and areas of study. Also links to news, multimedia and scholarly content about the figures.
- Offers authoritative content on the development of emerging green technologies and discusses issues on the environment, sustainability and more.
- Combines overviews, viewpoints, reference, news, and scholarly material into one search platform for researching a wide variety of global issues.
- This comprehensive multidisciplinary database delivers credible facts and current insight into today’s most debated political and social issues. Contains periodical content that covers current events, news and commentary, pro/con viewpoints, reference articles, interactive maps, infographics, and more.
- Integrating millions of full-text articles that include national and global publications, 200+ science experiments, 300+ interactive simulations, other multimedia, and top reference content, Science is updated daily and offers over 600 pages on topics across the curriculum, covering biology, chemistry, earth and environmental science, physics, and more.
- Search across literary biography, literary criticism, genre studies, reviews, and primary sources across thousands of Gale publications. Good starting point for doing any kind of research in English literature.Coverage: varies.
- Includes millions of book reviews in numerous disciplines, including literature, history, education, psychology, and more.
- Addresses and investigates environmental issues with diverse perspectives from the scientific community, policymakers, and corporate interests. Robust coverage from scholarly journals, magazines, and reference content.
- Provides access to scholarly journals and magazines covering topics including gender studies, family and marital issues, and more.
- Provides access to a wide range of full-text Spanish- and Portuguese-language scholarly journals and magazines both from and about Latin America.
- Brings journal, reference, book, news, and web content about military and security issues from Gale together in one search interface.
- Brings journal, reference, book, news, and web content about popular culture from Gale together in one search interface.
- Identify or search across a wide range of primary source collections, including historical newspapers, Archives of Sexuality and Gender, Eighteenth Century Collections Online, and more.
- Gartner Group provides vital advice to professionals making key decisions about IT. Its subscription-based products and services include qualitative research and analysis on trends and developments, quantitative market research, and benchmarking services. This database is available to the Wake Forest community only.Coverage: May 1997-.
- Hosted by the Getty Research Institute. Search across several of the Getty repositories, including collections databases, library catalogs, collection inventories, and archival finding aids. This link initially limits your search to images available for free download under the Getty’s Open Content Program.Coverage: Details not available.
- Includes newswire services from around the world, including the AP, Dow Jones Industrial News, dpa, AFP, Canadian Press, and others. The wires are available in various languages including Arabic, French, Italian, and German.
- Provides manuscript, printed and visual primary source materials to explore the history of fifteen major commodities and to examine the ways that these have changed the world.
- Information about countries geared towards those traveling (personally or professionally) or researching current issues. Contains informaiton on travel, cuisine, government, society, and more.Coverage: Details not available.
- Search major publications of the US government including s the Federal Register, Congressional Record, Congressional Bills, the Monthly catalog, US Government Manual, the US Code, GAO Reports, public laws and the Congressional Directory.Coverage: Varies.
- Four corpora of French texts: (1) le Corpus de littérature médiévale- des origines à la fin du 15e siècle, (2) le Corpus de littérature narrative du Moyen Âge au 20e siècle, (3) le Corpus de la première littérature francophone d’Afrique noire, des origines aux Indépendances, (4) le Corpus de la première littérature francophone de l’Océan Indien, des origines aux IndépendancesCoverage: Middle Ages- 20th Century.
- These accounts, including manuscript, visual, and printed works from British people traveling abroad between c.1550-1850 provide insight into European influence on British society, daily life, and Europe’s urban spaces.Coverage: 1550-1850.
- Covers aspects of the human impact to the environment, and the connections between the environment and a variety of disciplines such as agriculture, education, law, health and technology. Topics covered include global climate change, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, and more.Coverage: 1940-.
- A bibliography on Latin America consisting of social sciences and humanities works selected and annotated by scholars. Edited by the Hispanic Division of the Library of Congress.Coverage: 1936-.
- Indexes the contents of scholarly journals published around the world on Latin America, the Caribbean, and Latinx communities in the United States since the late 1960s. Topics include political, economic, and social issues and the arts and humanities.Coverage: 1970-.
- Full-text seachable library of high-quality digitized materials such as books, articles, government information, and more from libraries around the world. Includes public domain and in-copyright content. Log in as a WFU user to download PDFs and access additional features.Coverage: Varies.
- Consumer health database inlcuding indexes and abstracts of general health, nutrition and, professional health care publications. Includes the USP Pharmacopoeia DI: Volume II Advice for the Lay Patient, health research books, essays from Clinical Reference Systems, and health-related pamphlets.Coverage: varies.
- Provides indexing and abstracts for nursing & allied health scholarly literature. Includes the USP Pharmacopoeia DI: Volume II Advice for the Lay Patient and Stedman’s Medical Dictionary.Coverage: varies.
- Provides hundreds of millions of pages of law and law-adjacent periodicals, essential government documents (federal, state, and international), international resources, case law, and more.Coverage: 1776-.
- Covers US labor history and current labor issues in the US. It combines legislative histories, Supreme Court case briefs, accounts of historical labor riots, current reports on working conditions, and scholarly book and journal content.
- Contains more than 2,000 law and law-related periodicals. Coverage generally begins with the first issue published, so contains over a century of law and legal scholarship.
- Research materials for U.S. and Canadian genealogy including war records, census data, and book content.Coverage: varies.
- Provides indexing and abstracts for journal articles, books, and dissertations covering the history of the world from 1450– except the U.S. and Canada. For similar coverage of the U.S. and Canada, use America History and Life. Access is limited to six simultaneous users.Coverage: 1954-.
- A collection of historical maps showing the reach of Islam throughout history.
- Contains historical data from American History. Demographics, social characteristics, crime, education, health and more are all cross-searchable.Coverage: Colonial period-present.
- Provides primary and secondary resources on feminism over the long nineteenth century (1776–1928), including primary source documents, images, full books, selected chapters, and journal articles, as well as new thematic essays, and subject introductions on its structural themes: Politics and Law, Religion and Belief, Education, Literature and Writings, Women at Home, Society and Culture, Empire, Movements and Ideologies.
- Archive of video oral histories from both well-known and unsung African Americans from diverse backgrounds. Search by name, area of influence, birth state, or by broad topic. All videos include full-text searchable transcripts.
- Focused on strategy and policy in the various subject areas of homeland security research. Sources of information include governmental departments and agencies, academic institutions, think tanks, conference sites, non-governmental organizations, institutes and organizations, and other entities.Coverage: Details not available.
- Formerly RBdigital. Download ebooks and audio books provided by NC LIVE. Titles are also linked individually from the ZSR Library Catalog. Note: Users will need to register for an account before accessing NC LIVE content on hoopla. Enter an email address, select library as “NC LIVE”, enter any number you like in the library card space. Browse and borrow from hoopla’s Flex collection!
- A dictionary of almost all of the known words of the Renaissance French language.Coverage: 15th and 16th centuries.
- Contains scholarly journals and other periodicals and magazines covering the humanities including art, classics, history, literature, philosophy and more.Coverage: 1975-.
- Provides extensive reports on 300 industries and numerous companies. Includes size, trends, market share, descriptions of key participants and more.Coverage: Details not available.
- Includes journal articles, conference papers, and standards for engineering, computer science, and physics.
- The Index of Medieval Art contains examples of Christian, Jewish, Islamic, and secular art from the late antique period to the sixteenth century.
- Explore the history of South Asia between the foundation of the East India Company in 1615 and the granting of independence to India and Pakistan in 1947.
- Provides access to legal, political and diplomatic documents of the Panton, Leslie & Co. trading firm, which traded with the Creeks, Seminoles, Choctaws, Chickasaws, and Cherokees and used their influence to encourage resistance to white settlement of Native lands.Coverage: 1763-1901.
- Covers interactions between American Indians (including America, Canada, and Mexico) and Europeans from their earliest contact, continuing through the turbulence of the American Civil War, the on-going repercussions of government legislation, to the civil rights movement of the mid- to late-twentieth century. This resource contains material from the Newberry Library’s Edward E. Ayer Collection. Note: Cross-searchable with the American West database.
- Cultural, political, and social history of indigenous peoples from the seventeenth to the twentieth century.
- An archive of historic materials that reflect the influence that indigenous people have had on the development of the United States. Includes hundreds of treaties, treaty-related publications, tribal codes, constitutions, federal case law, government reports, scholarly works, and the entirety of Title 25 (Indians) of the U.S. Code and Code of Federal Regulations.
- Etymological dictionaries of specific sub-families of Indo-European languages. The dictionaries can be cross-searched, but not all sub-families are represented.
- Discovery platform that combines the engineering knowledge contained in IEEE documents with global patent and non-patent literature. Limited to 10 Simultaneous Users.
- Database of published structures with atomic coordinates.
- Produced by The Institution of Engineering and Technology, Inspec is a comprehensive index to literature in physics, electrical/electronic technology, computing, control engineering, information technology, manufacturing, production and mechanical engineering. Updated weekly, it provides data from journals, conferences and other sources including books, reports, dissertations and videos.Coverage: 1969-.
- Documents from the Intergovernmental Committee on Refugees (IGCR), which was organized in London in August 1938 to consider the problem of racial, religious, and political refugees from central Europe.Coverage: 1938-1947.
- Successor to the Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA). Covers current international literature on the history of art in Europe and the New World from late antiquity to the present. Includes both the fine arts (architecture, sculpture, painting, drawing and prints) and decorative and applied arts (popular art, folk art). Indexes and abstracts journals, books, conference proceedings, exhibition catalogues, selected art dealers’ catalogues, doctoral dissertations and microform publications. See BHA for coverage from 1975 to 2007.Coverage: 2008-.
- A bibliography of modern scholarship concerning the European Middle Ages (c. 450-1500).Coverage: 1967-.
- Collection consists of IOP Concise Physics, IOP Expanding Physics, Physics World Discovery, and AAS-IOP Astronomy.
- Study aid for aria and art song texts. Provides a literal translation and a transcription into the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) as a diction guide. Includes texts in French, Italian, German, Spanish, English and Latin.
- Utilize the ISO Online Browsing Platform to search for the most up-to-date International Organization Standardization (ISO) worldwide standards. NOTE: Access to standards at Wake Forest is provided in Techstreet Enterprise or Engineering Workbench. Wake Forest faculty, staff, or students must submit a request for standards.
- Indexes books and journals concerning Europe and the Middle East from 400-1700.Coverage: 1784-.
- A collection of fragments and testimonia of Greek historians and other authors from antiquity. Consists of an English translation of Die Fragmente der Griechischen Historiker I-III (1923-1959), Brill’s New Jacoby (2006-2021) and Brill’s New Jacoby, Second Edition (2016-).
- Provides searchable access from 1897-2017 to the first English-language newspaper in Japan.
- Provides access to newspapers that document day-to-day life in the internment camps. Most of the papers are in English or in dual text.Coverage: 1942-1945.
- Contains Japanese-language dictionaries, encyclopedias of Japanese history and culture, and primary source texts from Japanese religious traditions and cultural life. The database can be viewed in either English or Japanese, and the search engine/main search function searches all available reference materials at once
- Provides access to the entire JET Magazine archive from 1951-2014. Browse issues or search across the entire archive, including images and advertisements.Coverage: 1951-2014.
- This resource offers insights into the everyday lives of the American Jewish population over three centuries. The database includes documents and manuscripts; full-color, searchable images; interactive maps with historical census data; biographies; essays; and an interactive chronology. Materials can be organized and viewed by key themes, such as business & industry, civil rights, politics, everyday life, culture & the arts, etc.Coverage: 1654-1954.
- Contains citation information for science and social science journals. Users can determine which journals are the highest impact and which are most frequently used.Coverage: 2002-.
- Video collection that demonstrates how to execute techniques commonly used in cellular and molecular biology. While enhancing the understanding of methods, each video is paired with additional video resources to show practical applications of the techniques and complementary skills.
- Contains general biology research methodologies in all fields of cell, molecular, and organismal biology and includes new applications of standard techniques and approaches aimed at understanding the functions of life and living organisms. Inlcudes techniques in physical & systems biology, cellular biochemistry, genetics, physiology, and a combination of eukaryotic & prokaryotic model systems.
- Collection includes fundamental and applied research that investigates molecular interactions, properties, and structure spanning core chemistry divisions: analytical, organic, organometallic, inorganic, bioinorganic, and biological. Also includes the design & preparation of materials & small molecules for advanced or unique applications.
- Includes access to Essentials of General Chemistry, Essentials to Organic Chemistry, and Essentials to Analytical Chemistry.
- This collection is sub-divided on the basis of different aspects of human behavior such as learning, memory, cognition, movement, addiction and behavioral disorders. Videos discuss neurobiology of behavior and concepts behind prominent techniques.
- Videos offer a glimpse of neuroscience at the professional level, through an exploration of five major branches of study: neurophysiology, neuroanatomy, cell & molecular neuroscience, behavioral neuroscience, and developmental neuroscience. The collection describes current and prominent methods in nervous sytem function research.
- This video collection exhibits the use of standard pieces of laboratory equipment and basic laboratory functions. Each video is paired with additional resources to show practical applications and complementary skills.
- This video collection connects basic research and clinical applications to improve overal patient care & prognosis. Articles may present medical procedures, case studies or clinical trial methodologies. Included studies are often modeled towards predictive, preventative, personalized, and practical approaches to treatment of disease.
- Multidisciplinary video collection devoted to investigations of the structure, function, physiology, and pathophysiology of the brain and nervous system. Included methodologies range from molecular and cellular level studies to full central and peripheral neural systems. Potential treatment platforms and surgical techniques for neurological diseases and disorders are also presented.
- A full-text database of archived issues of academic journals. Since JSTOR is a backfiles project, a typical coverage range is the beginning of a journal until three or five years ago. Artstor images are now integrated into JSTOR. Supported in part by the Dail Endowment Fund.Coverage: Varies.
- A growing collection of nearly three million high-resolution type specimens and related materials from community contributors around the world. This resource also features partner-contributed reference works and primary sources, such as collectors‚ correspondence and diaries, illustrations, and photographs. Selected sub-collections include reference works and books.
- Contains journals, ebooks, and Open Access research reports in the field of security studies. This content looks at security studies through a broad lens, encompassing research on international security and peace and conflict studies from all corners of the globe.
- Streaming video platform for libraries that offers films, TV shows, and documentaries across mutliple subject areas.
- Full title: The Holy Bible, Conteyning the Old Testament, and the New: newly translated out of the originall tongues: & with the former translations diligently compared and reuised by his Maiesties speciall Comandement Appointed to be read in Churches.Coverage: 1611.
- Knovel is an extensive, searchable online library of full-text content from many different publishers, including reference handbooks, conference proceedings and databases, delivering trusted, accessible and relevant answers and insights to accelerate foundational engineering knowledge, build expertise in various subjects, and prepare for career in Engineering. As Engineering is interdisciplinary, Knovel includes resources for chemistry, biology, medical devices, and other areas/concentrations. Knovel also includes interactive graphs and equations. Creating an account with your email address is recommended for the best user experience, although the content can be viewed without doing so.
- Provides access to newspapers published across Latin America between 1805-1922, including from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Cuba, Guatemala, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela, and more.Coverage: 1805-1922.
- Contains study guides and practice tests for grad school exams including GRE, MCAT, LSAT and GMAT. Also contains college and career skill building guides, and core english and math skill help.
- Legislative histories, including complete text of enacted laws and the full text of associated congressional documents (Congressional Record excerpts, committee hearings, etc.).Coverage: 1929-2012.
- This collection charts the development of one of the world’s largest and most culturally significant industries. Material is sourced from international archives, including the archives of Thomas Cook, the world’s best known travel agency and a pioneer of tourism for the masses.Coverage: 1850-1980.
- Provides access to many of the most influential, longest-running serial publications covering LGBT interests, including The Advocate and Gay Times.Coverage: 1954-2015.
- Contains abstracts with some full-text of periodicals from around the world in the scholarly literature related to library science. Subject coverage includes all aspects of librarianship, library users, information retrieval and more.Coverage: 1969-.
- Contains Latin texts from Antiquity through Vatican II. Texts are selected based on editing and contemporary scholarly practice.Coverage: c. 300 B.C.E. to 1965 A.D..
- Contains academic journals covering subjects such as librarianship, cataloging, bibliometrics, online information retrieval, information management and more.Coverage: 1967-.
- Covers theoretical and applied linguistics, psycholinguistics, speech therapy and other related topics.Coverage: 1973-.
- Manuscript collections of Victorian authors from the Berg collection at the NY Public Library. Each author collection is included in its entirety. Authors represented include: Matthew Arnold, Emily Bronte, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Robert Browning, Wilkie Collins, Joseph Conrad, Charles Dickens, George Eliot, George Gissing, Thomas Hardy, Henry James, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, John Ruskin, Alfred Tennyson, William Makepeace Thackeray.
- This resource contains manuscripts of 17th and 18th century verse held in the Brotherton Collection at the University of Leeds. Alongside original compositions are copied verses, translations, songs and riddles.
- Literature, Culture and Society in Depression Era America: Archives of the Federal Writers’™ ProjectContains the publications of all 47 states involved in the The Federal Writers Project, a program of the Depression-era’s Work Projects Administration that ran from 1933-1943, recognizing that journalists, playwrights and novelists were also unemployed. Contains amazing local and regional reporting and writing (fiction and non-fiction) from across the United States.Coverage: 1933-1943.
- Ancient texts with the original Greek or Latin and English on facing pages.
- Drawn from the holdings of the Lilly Library, this resource contains full colour maps, cartoons, sketches, Tallis’ Street Views of London, and George Gissing’s famous London scrapbooks from the Pforzheimer Collection.
- Provides complete coverage of the Cabinet conclusions (minutes) and memoranda of Harold Macmillan’s government in the UK from 1957-1963, plus selected minutes and memoranda of policy committees.Coverage: 1957-1963.
- Provides access to journals and books published in the United States in the 19th century.Coverage: 1800-1900.
- Provides full-text, searchable access to primary source materials that track the development of the modern, western world through the lens of trade and wealth from the period 1450-1914.Coverage: 1450-1914.
- An insight into the American consumer boom of the mid-20th century through access to the complete market research reports of Ernest Dichter, the era’s foremost consumer analyst and market research pioneer.Coverage: 1935-1965.
- Mass Observation was a social research organization formed in 1937 to study the everyday lives of ordinary people in Britain. This collection includes studies and publications, diaries and personal writings, photographs, and interactive maps. It describes everyday life in the words of ordinary people, with interviews and records of overheard conversations, rather than through polls.Coverage: 1937-1965.
- MathSciNet provides access to Mathematical Reviews (reference journal of the world's current mathematical literature) and Current Mathematical Publications (subject index of bibliographic data for recent and forthcoming publications).Coverage: 1940-.
- Images of original medieval manuscripts from five family letter collections. Includes full text searchable transcripts from the printed editions, where available, plus supplementary material.Coverage: Middle ages.
- Multiple manuscript sources in various languages detailing the journeys of famous travellers from Marco Polo to John Capgrave, and the stories of legendary figures such as Prester John and Sir John Mandeville, with translations, route maps and introductory essays.
- Manuscripts for the study of Meiji society, culture, ethnology and education from the papers of Edward Sylvester Morse.
- Provides a comprehensive guide to contemporary testing instruments. The series contains information for evaluating test products in psychology, education, business and leadership.Coverage: 9th edition through present.
- Mergent Archives is an online database featuring a vast, indexed collection of more than a century’s worth of global corporate and industry related documents. This collection contains hundreds of thousands of reports covering over 100 countries and industries.Coverage: 1909-present.
- Module I. This module covers all aspects of the migration experience, from motives and departures to arrival and permanent settlement. Significant material on the movement of Indian and Chinese indentured labourers is included from The National Archives.Coverage: 1800-1924.
- Provides full text from military and general interest publications including government offices, journals, think tanks and more. Designed to bring current news to all branches of the military.Coverage: 1985-.
- Marketing and consumer research reports. Focuses on the USA and Europe. Each user must be a current affiliate of WFU and must sign in using their WFU username and password to access Mintel.Coverage: Details not available.
- The go-to resource for writers of research papers and anyone citing sources. MLA Handbook Plus includes the full text of the ninth edition of the MLA Handbook as well as the first editions of both the MLA Guide to Digital Literacy and the MLA Guide to Undergraduate Research in Literature.
- Contains articles, books, chapters of books, conference proceedings, dissertations, and working papers on topics relating to literature, modern languages, folklore, and linguistics.Coverage: 1926-.
- Medieval Latin texts with a focus on Germany and surrounding areas.
- Includes three tools: Stock and Fund Selector, Reports, and X-Ray. Use these tools to select stocks or mutual funds, review Morningstar analysis, and determine how your stocks and funds work in an overall investment plan.Coverage: Details not available.
- This collection consists of the diaries, journals, and narratives of explorers, emigrants, military men, Native Americans, and travelers. In addition, there are accounts on the development of farming and mining communities, family histories, and folklore. These accounts provide information on the social, political, economic, scientific, religious and agricultural characteristics of the Appalachian region.Coverage: 1700-1950.
- Chronicle the diverse history and culture of the African American experience through music. Contains full text from major reference works, biographies, and personal narratives from oral histories. Manuscripts, song-sheets, lyrics, discography data, and other text sources cover jazz, spirituals, civil rights songs, slave songs, minstrels, rhythm and blues, gospel, and other forms of black American musical expression.
- This streaming music database includes songs by and about American Indians, miners, immigrants, slaves, children, pioneers, and cowboys. Includes songs of Civil Rights, political campaigns, Prohibition, the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, anti-war protests, and more.Coverage: Details not available.
- Contains opera and classical music performances, captured on video through staged productions, interviews, and documentaries, these selections represent the world’s best performers, conductors, and opera houses.
- Licensed streaming classical music from multiple labels. Includes contemporary music and women composers.Coverage: Details not available.
- Brings together a variety of essential reference materials, spanning the entire history of Western classical music, in a unified online database. Included are the authoritative reference titles Baker’s Dictionary of Music, Baker’s Biographical Dictionary of Musicians, and Baker’s Student Encyclopedia of Music.
- Explore the largest, most diverse, and comprehensive catalog of online music content in the world.
- Includes volumes I, II, III, and IV. An authoritative source for scores of the classical canon, as well as a resource for the discovery of lesser-known contemporary works. The collections encompass all major classical musical genres and time periods from the Middle Ages to the 21st century. Contains full, study, piano, and vocal scores.
- Delivers the sounds of all regions from every continent; contains genres such as reggae, worldbeat, neo-traditional, world fusion, Balkanic jazz, African film, Bollywood, Arab swing and jazz, and other genres such as traditional music – Indian classical, fado, flamenco, klezmer, zydeco, gospel, gagaku, and more.
- The full-text of the ten-volume print encyclopedia (more than 9000 pages) that allows for in-text searching. Contains 300+ associated audio examples, musical illustrations, photographs, and drawings.
- The largest and most comprehensive collection of streaming jazz available online — with thousands of jazz artists, ensembles, albums, and genres.
- A collection of full-text periodicals depicting American musical life from 1838 to the early 1900s through local and international news, reviews, editorials, sheet music, and advertisements.Coverage: 1838-1902.
- Streaming video of opera performances, captured on video through staged productions, interviews, and documentaries. Multiple performances and stagings of the major operas, from Baroque to the 20th century, allow for analysis of stage design, vocal techniques, roles, and musical interpretation across time periods, opera houses, and conductors.Coverage: Details not available.
- Contains a wide range of popular music from around the world, including hundreds of thousands of tracks from major genres in pop music, including alternative, country, Christian, electronic, hip-hop, metal, punk, new age, R&B, reggae, rock, soundtracks and many more.
- Includes the published recordings owned by the non-profit Smithsonian Folkways Recordings label and the archival audio collections of the Folkways Records, Cook, Dyer-Bennet, Fast Folk, Monitor, Paredon and other labels. Also includes music recorded around the African continent by Dr. Hugh Tracey for the International Library of African Music (ILAM) at Rhodes University and material collected on the South Asian subcontinent from the Archive Research Centre for Ethnomusicology (ARCE), sponsored by the American Institute for Indian Studies.
- Provides access to monographs on natural ingredients – vitamins, herbs, minerals, non-herbal supplements, naturally sourced chemical compounds, and foods – health & wellness, sports medicine, commercial products, and tools like charts, advisories, and checkers including those for interactions, nutrient depletions, and effectiveness ratings.
- Full Oxford editions of all of Shakespeare’s works, both in modern spelling and original spelling. Also includes the Oxford Authorship Companion and introductory materials for each play.
- An encyclopedia covering Greek and Roman history from the second millennium B.C.E. to early medieval Europe.
- Contains the world’s largest digital library of scripts by living writers.
- A product of a partnership between the American Theological Library Association (ATLA) and Boston College. Each year, an additional 2,000 articles from more than 500 periodicals in numerous languages are selected for inclusion in New Testament Abstracts Online. In addition, approximately 900 current books are also summarized annually.Coverage: 1985-.
- Full text for many major U.S. and international newspapers, including the New York Times, Washington Post, San Francisco Chronicle, the London Times, and others. Also includes some television and radio news transcripts.Coverage: 1985-.
- Search the full text of historical newspapers from counties and cities across the state of North Carolina.
- Located in the “Menu” dropdown box and listed as “Company Dossier.” Find info on thousands of U.S. and international companies. Search by name, geography, industry and financial criteria. Get company overviews, financials, news, intellectual property, corporate hierarchy, and more. Search for lists of companies by geography, industry, NAICS/SIC, and other criteria. Includes private companies.
- Nexis Uni features more than 15,000 news, business and legal sources, including U.S. Supreme Court decisions dating back to 1790.
- Primary source collections of the “long” nineteenth century. Collections are sourced through partnerships with major world libraries and specialist libraries. Content includes monographs, newspapers, manuscripts, ephemera, maps, and more.Coverage: 1769-1906.
- Includes hundreds of 19th century U.S. newspapers. For each issue, the newspaper is captured from cover-to-cover, providing access to every article, advertisement and illustration.Coverage: 1801-1899.
- Includes 250 novels from the period 1786 to 1903, including works by all the major Victorian novelists such as Dickens, Thackeray, the Brontes, Eliot and Hardy, as well as the landmarks of Gothic and other fiction from the Romantic period.Coverage: 1786-1903.
- Nixon’s handling of numerous Cold War crises, his administration’s notable achievements, as well as his increasingly controversial activities and unorthodox use of executive powers culminating in Watergate and resignation, from a British, European and Commonwealth perspective.Coverage: 1969-1974.
- Contains the full text of surveys, budgets, statistical records, case studies, planning documents, training manuals, policy guidelines, reports, and news from the five hundred largest cities in North America. It also includes select materials from hundreds of related agencies and non-governmental organizations.
- Includes the full text of diaries and letters of women who lived in the United States and Canada from colonial times until 1950.Coverage: 1675-1949.
- This collection includes a selection of student and community newspapers, as well as African-American newspapers, from schools and towns around North Carolina.
- A readers’ advisory tool to find books of fiction based on books already read or on topics of interest. Searchable by reading level (adult, young adult, child, and easy), author, title, subject, and plot.Coverage: varies.
- Provides healthcare information covering nursing, allied health professions, and alternative & complementary medicine. Includes journal titles in full-text, plus dissertations and other grey literature representing rigorous scholarship.
- Systematically collated data on key aspects of the health care systems in the 30 OECD Member countries within their general demographic, economic, and social contexts.Coverage: 1960-.
- Topics include antiquities, archaeology, Biblical theology, and philology.Coverage: 1978-.
- Index of freely available electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs) from colleges, universities, and research institutions. OATD define open access broadly to cover ETDs that are free to access and read online.Coverage: 1964-.
- Open Education North Carolina Collection is a collection of free textbooks that are part of NC LIVE's Open Education North Carolina (OENC) initiative.
- A searchable index of public policy documents, guidelines, think tank publications, and working papers from around the world. Allows institutions and researchers to trace their research impact on public policy with researcher and institution filters.
- Multidisciplinary human and animal health sciences database with advanced searching capabilities and access to MEDLINE covering the fields of medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, and preclinical sciences.
- Covers art and culture from prehistory to the 1990s. Its multicultural approach offers detailed analyses of civilizations from Asia, Africa, the Americas, Europe, and the Pacific. Provides a guide to the visual arts: painting, sculpture, architecture, photography, drawing, and printmaking, as well as the decorative arts.Coverage: Details not available.
- Curated topical articles that provide information on current and seminal scholarship related to African American studies.
- Oxford Bibliographies are authoritative, scholar-developed research guides covering a variety of subject areas. They combine features of an annotated bibliography and a subject encyclopedia, guiding researchers to the best available scholarship on the topic.
- Offers authoritative, scholar-developed research guides that combine features of an annotated bibliography and a high-level encyclopedia. Subjects from all four subfields of anthropology (i.e., social and cultural anthropology, archaeology, linguistic anthropology, and biological anthropology) are covered in this online resource.
- Authoritative, scholar-developed research guide covering the discipline of Art History. It combines the features of an annotated bibliography and a subject encyclopedia, guiding researchers to the best available scholarship in the history of art.
- Authoritative, scholar-developed lists of resources on Atlantic History, which focuses on the movement of peoples, ideas and things in the Atlantic world. Atlantic History encompasses four continents and many islands in the period between Columbus’ voyages to the New World in the late fifteenth century and the end of slavery in the Americas in the late nineteenth century.
- Oxford Bibliographies Online are authoritative, scholar-developed research guides covering a variety of subject areas. They combine features of an annotated bibliography and a subject encyclopedia, guiding researchers to the best available scholarship on the topic.
- Offers authoritative research guides that combine features of an annotated bibliography and a high-level encyclopedia. Subjects covered include British and Irish authors, works, themes, genres, and history.
- Authoritative, scholar-developed research guide covering Buddhism. It combines the features of an annotated bibliography and a subject encyclopedia, guiding researchers to the best available scholarship in Buddhist Studies.
- Offers authoritative research guides that combine features of an annotated bibliography and a high-level encyclopedia. Subjects covered include media and children, childhood across the globe, children’s mental health, public policies around children, and more.
- Oxford Bibliographies Online: Chinese Studies provides an authoritative guide to the key works across the whole field, pointing researchers and practitioners at all levels to the most important scholarship in European languages as well as in Chinese and Japanese.Subjects covered include economics, religions, calligraphy, history, poetry and drama works, politics and political movements.
- Offers authoritative, scholar-developed research guides that combine features of an annotated bibliography and a high-level encyclopedia. Includes film history, television studies, media studies, critical theory, visual arts, cultural studies, digital culture, game studies, popular culture, and the study of the moving image.
- A combination encyclopedia and annotated bibliography covering Greek and Roman antiquity.
- Offers authoritative research guides that combine features of an annotated bibliography and a high-level encyclopedia. Subjects covered include Communication Theory, key researchers in Communication Studies, and numerous epistemologies and methodologies.
- Offers authoritative research guides that combine features of an annotated bibliography and a high-level encyclopedia with concise treatment of topics in Criminology.
- Offers authoritative research guides that combine features of an annotated bibliography and a high-level encyclopedia. Subjects covered include ecology and other areas of the life sciences.
- Offers authoritative research guides that combine features of an annotated bibliography and a high-level encyclopedia. Subjects covered include sustainability and environmental studies, including the physical sciences, the planning and social sciences, the health sciences, engineering, governance, and policy.
- Authoritative, scholar-developed research guide covering Hinduism. It combines the features of an annotated bibliography and a subject encyclopedia, guiding researchers to the best available scholarship in Hindu Studies.
- Oxford Bibliographies Online are authoritative, scholar-developed research guides covering a variety of subject areas. They combine features of an annotated bibliography and a subject encyclopedia, guiding researchers to the best available scholarship on the topic.
- Authoritative, scholar-developed research guide covering Jewish Studies. It combines the features of an annotated bibliography and a subject encyclopedia, guiding researchers to the best available scholarship in Jewish Studies.
- Oxford Bibliographies Online are authoritative, scholar-developed research guides covering a variety of subject areas. They combine features of an annotated bibliography and a subject encyclopedia, guiding researchers to the best available scholarship on the topic.
- Oxford Bibliographies are authoritative, scholar-developed research guides covering a variety of subject areas. They combine features of an annotated bibliography and a subject encyclopedia, guiding researchers to the best available scholarship on the topic.
- Offers authoritative research guides that combine features of an annotated bibliography and a high-level encyclopedia. Subjects covered include sociolinguistics, pragmatics, language families, neurolinguistics, psycholinguistics, phonetics, morphology, etc.
- Offers authoritative research guides that combine features of an annotated bibliography and a high-level encyclopedia. Subjects covered include literary theory, literary theorists, social and intellectual movements that influenced literature and literary criticism.
- Offers authoritative research guides that combine features of an annotated bibliography and a high-level encyclopedia. Subjects covered include European and Mediterranean civilization from the 4th to the 15th centuries, encompassing history, literature, art, archaeology, religion, gender studies, etc.
- Offers authoritative research guides that combine features of an annotated bibliography and a high-level encyclopedia. Subjects covered include composers, performers, critics and scholars; genres and styles; music history and theory; instruments and instrument makers; ethnomusicology and world music studies.
- Authoritative, scholar-developed research guides covering a variety of subject areas. They combine features of an annotated bibliography and a subject encyclopedia, guiding researchers to the best available scholarship on the topic.
- Oxford Bibliographies in Renaissance and Reformation offers exclusive, authoritative research guides that combine the best features of an annotated bibliography and a high-level encyclopedia.
- Offers authoritative research guides that combine features of an annotated bibliography and a high-level encyclopedia. Subjects covered include sociological theories, sociology of gender and sexuality, race, ethnicity, contemporary societal issues, key researchers in the field, and more.
- Offers authoritative research guides that combine features of an annotated bibliography and a high-level encyclopedia. Subjects covered include social sciences as well as architecture, planning, engineering, environmental science, and legal studies.
- Offers authoritative, scholar-developed research guides that combine features of an annotated bibliography and a high-level encyclopedia. Subjects covered include Victorian authors, works, themes, genres, and history.
- A comprehensive encyclopedia covering Greek and Roman history, literature, etc.
- Biographies of deceased people who were British or who impacted the British Isles, including Ireland and colonial America.Coverage: 4th Cent. B.C.E. – 2000.
- The definitive dictionary of the English Language. Provides timelines of when words entered the language, sources for words, and audio pronunciation guides.Coverage: 1989 Edition, with updates.
- Includes a collection of scholarly handbooks in History, Philosophy, Political Science, and Religion. Great starting point for background research.
- Online access to the Oxford Handbooks series in Archaeology. Each handbook takes an aspect of its discipline, explains the key issues, the classic and contemporary debates on those issues, and describes how those debates might evolve. The handbooks offer authoritative and trustworthy guides to the scholarship that defines the field.
- Online access to the Oxford Handbooks series in History. Each handbook takes an aspect of its discipline, explains the key issues, the classic and contemporary debates on those issues, and describes how those debates might evolve. The handbooks offer authoritative and trustworthy guides to the scholarship that defines the field.
- Online access to the Oxford Handbooks series in Literature. Each handbook takes an aspect of its discipline, explains the key issues, the classic and contemporary debates on those issues, and describes how those debates might evolve. The handbooks offer authoritative and trustworthy guides to the scholarship that defines the field.
- Online access to the Oxford Handbooks series in Philosophy. Each handbook takes an aspect of its discipline, explains the key issues, the classic and contemporary debates on those issues, and describes how those debates might evolve. The handbooks offer authoritative and trustworthy guides to the scholarship that defines the field.
- Each handbook takes an aspect of its discipline, explains the key issues, the classic and contemporary debates on those issues, and describes how those debates might evolve. The handbooks offer authoritative and trustworthy guides to the scholarship that defines the field.
- Online access to the Oxford Handbooks series in Religion. Each handbook takes an aspect of its discipline, explains the key issues, the classic and contemporary debates on those issues, and describes how those debates might evolve. The handbooks offer authoritative and trustworthy guides to the scholarship that defines the field.
- Covers all aspects of music worldwide, including composers, performers, other persons involved with music, terminology, musical genres and forms, orchestras, institutions, and cities and towns with significant musical traditions.Coverage: Details not available.
- Searchable full text of reference books in many subjects. Books can be searched together or individually.Coverage: varies.
- Oxford Scholarship Online-Classical Studies provides access to hundreds of key Classical Studies titles. Users will benefit from a powerful search tool, author-written chapter summaries, extensive hyperlinked footnotes, and more.
- Oxford Scholarship Online-Philosophy provides access to over a thousand key Philosophy titles. Users will benefit from a powerful search tool, author-written chapter summaries, extensive hyperlinked footnotes, and more.
- Works of the Christian Latin Fathers from Tertullian around 200 C.E. to the death of Pope Innocent III in 1216. In Latin.Coverage: 200 A.D. to 1216 A.D..
- This streaming video collection provides a range of content with the most valuable video documentaries and series from PBS. Covers subjects from science, history, art, Shakespeare, diversity, business & economics, and more.
- Manuscripts written or compiled by women in the British Isles during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Produced in association with the Perdita Project based at the University of Warwick and Nottingham Trent University, the project seeks to rediscover early modern women authors who were “lost” because their writing exists only in manuscript form.Coverage: 1500-1700.
- Performance Design Archive Online is the first comprehensive, international collection that covers all aspects of theater production design, from the 17th century through to the present day, including, scenic and set design, lighting design, sound design, costume design, makeup, and more. It includes 100,000 pages of primary and secondary resources, including sketches, photographs, technical drawings, monographs, articles, and dissertations.
- Performing Arts Periodicals Database indexes around 400 scholarly and trade journals, magazines, books, and newspapers covering theater, dance, film, television, stagecraft, broadcast arts, storytelling, and more. It draws from both current files and selected backfiles to 1864 and 134 publications are included in full text.Coverage: 1864-.
- Contains archives and backfiles of leading international journals covering the humanities and social sciences and spanning more than two centuries of content.
- Consists of the testimony and documents from Japanese Americans and Aleuts who had lived through the events of WWII, former government officials who ran the internment program, public figures, internees, organizations such as the Japanese American Citizens League, interested citizens, historians, and other professionals who had studied the subjects of the Commission’s inquiry. Many of the transcripts are personal stories of experiences of evacuees.Coverage: 1981.
- “Philosopher’s Index provides indexing and abstracts from books and over 270 journals published in the U.S. and the Western World. Covers philosophy and related interdisciplinary fields.”Coverage: 1940-.
- An index and bibliography of philosophy maintained by the community of philosophers. Includes journals, books, open access archives, and personal pages maintained by academics. Also hosts an open access archive in philosophy.Coverage: 1200-present.
- Pitchbook tracks every aspect of the public and private equity markets, including venture capital, private equity and M&A. Access detailed data on companies, deals investors, funds, and professionals. Users will need to enter in their WFU email address to access.
- Collection of Spanish language films available for streaming to WFU students, faculty, and staff.
- Policy Commons contains publications from over 27,000 global policy organizations including think tanks, nonprofits, IGOs and NGOs. A critical resource for global development, environmental policy, trade, international politics and more.
- A U.S. national data and mapping tool and analytics platform with multidisciplinary applications related to social sciences, urban studies, real estate and housing analysis, community and economic development, public administration, public health, policy and political science, education, business, economics, statistics, and geography, among others.
- Primary sources on political extremism and radicalism across the globe. Covers 1900-2010. Includes monographs and manuscripts by and about these movements. Content Warning: This collection contains images and documents that may be triggering or disturbing to some.
- From the collections of original archival material from key libraries in Britain and America, discover the 1950’s to the 1970’s through a wealth of printed and manuscript sources, visual material, ephemera and video clips.Coverage: 1950-1975.
- Uncover the history of ‘popular’ remedies and treatments in nineteenth century America, through primary source materials from the extensive collections at the Library Company of Philadelphia and the Philadelphia Museum of Art.Coverage: 1800-1900.
- “Population Index, published since 1935, is the primary reference tool to the world’s population literature. It presents an annotated bibliography of recently published books, journal articles, working papers, and other material on population topics. It is a searchable and browsable database containing more than 40,000 abstracts of demographic literature published in Population Index.”Coverage: 1986-.
- Provides a unique look into the creation and activities of the temporary Emergency Court of Appeals, established by Congress and given exclusive jurisdiction to determine the validity of price control regulations under the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942.Coverage: 1941-1961.
- Provides access to the full text of scholarly journals and books in the arts and humanities and social sciences.Coverage: Varies.
- A collection of full-text accounting journals and trade publications, including AICPA publications and all journals from the American Accounting Association. Also includes tax law and financial law publications; global accounting and tax journals from the UK, Canada, France, Spain, and more; reference reports; conference proceedings; dissertations; etc.Coverage: 1987-.
- Contains full-text titles from around the world including scholarly journals, trade and industry journals, magazines, technical reports, conference proceedings, government publications, and more.
- Full-text articles covering all aspects of environmental science, including ecology, sustainability, pollution, water management, and other areas.Coverage: 1988-.
- Indexes and provides full-text access to scholarly journals, newspapers, magazines, dissertations, working papers, and market reports across all major subject areas.
- Indexes and provides full-text access to scientific and engineering literature, including all the charts, diagrams, graphs, tables, photos, and other graphical elements.
- All things Congress- full text of: federal bills and laws (1776-present); voting records (1987-present); U.S. Serial Set and American State Papers (1817-present); published and unpublished Congressional hearings from (1824 to present); Congressional Record (1873-present) and its predecessor publications (1789-1873); Congressional Research Service reports (1916-present).Coverage: 1789-present.
- Current US and international news. This simultaneously searches ProQuest databases US Newsstream, International Newsstream, Global Breaking Newswires, Canadian Newsstream, Ethnic Newswatch, and Recent Newspapers.
- Full-text and abstracts of dissertations and theses from 1861 to the present from the US, UK, and Ireland. Full-text coverage is mainly 1997-present but many older ones are also full-text.Coverage: 1861-.
- Contains full-text titles from around the world, including scholarly journals, trade and industry journals, magazines, technical reports, conference proceedings, and government publications.
- Indexes and provides full-text access to educational publications spanning the literature on primary, secondary and higher education as well as special education, home schooling and adult education.Coverage: 1988 – current.
- Indexes and provides full-text access to scholarly publications in engineering and related fields.
- This database bridges theory with practice, covering a wide spectrum of resources useful to educators, researchers, students and practitioners. Content ranges from the scholarly – including journals, dissertations, working papers and conference proceedings – to a full toolkit of practical guides, templates, forms, sample business plans and tips from successful entrepreneur in a wide range of formats – from video to downloadable Word and Excel files, as well as traditional text and PDFs.Coverage: 1987-.
- Contains documents produced by US executive branch departments, agencies, and commissions from 1789 – 1952.Coverage: 1789-1952.
- Provides full-text searchable access to both U.S. and selected international historical newspapers, including: New York Times (1851-three years ago), Chicago Tribune (1849-1998), Wall Street Journal (1889-2011), Christian Science Monitor (1908-2009), Pittsburgh Courier (1911-2002), Washington Post (1877-2006), New York Amsterdam News (1922-2010), Times of India (1838-2010), Korea Times (1956-2016), Irish Times and Weekly Irish Times (1859-2021), the Chinese Historical Newspapers Collection (1832-1953), the South China Morning Post (1903-2001), and Leftist Newspapers and Periodicals (1845-2015). More recent issues may be available through other databases. Includes advertisements, illustrations, etc. as they were laid out on the original page.Coverage: Varies by publication..
- Provides access to 12 English-language Chinese newspapers published between 1832-1953, including North China Herald (1850-1941); Canton Times (1919-1920); China Critic (1939-1946); The China Press (1925-1938); China Weekly Review (1917-1953); Chinese Recorder (1868-1940); Chinese Repository (1832-1851); Peking Daily News (1914-1917); Peking Gazette (1915-1917); Peking Leader (1918-1919); Shanghai Gazette (1919-1921); Shanghai Times (1914-1921). Full-image access includes articles, advertisements, editorials, cartoons, and more.
- A collection of English-language publications spanning beyond the 20th century (1845-2015) covering Communist, Socialist and Marxist thought, theory and practice. Issues covered include workers’ rights, organized labor, labor strikes, Nazi atrocities, McCarthyism’s rise after WWII, Civil Rights, and modern-day class struggles which give rise to renewed interest in alternative social organizations.
- ProQuest History Vault is a collection of digitized letters, papers, photographs, scrapbooks, financial records, diaries, and many more primary source materials taken from the University Publications of America (UPA) Collections. ZSR Library provides access to the following modules: NAACP Papers: Branch Department, Branch Files, and Youth Department Files; NAACP Papers: The NAACP’s Major Campaigns–Education, Voting, Housing, Employment, Armed Forces; Slavery, the Slave Trade, and Law and Order in 19th Century America (1636-1880); Slavery and the Law (1775-1867); Workers, Labor Unions, and the American Left in the 20th Century: Federal Records.
- Provides the most recent news content from outside of the U.S. and Canada with archives that stretch back decades. The collection features newspapers, newswires, transcripts, and digital-only news sites in full-text format.
- Provides ongoing full-text academic journals that are locally published by scholarly publishing organizations and educational institutions in Latin American countries, including Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela, and also Spain and Portugal.
- Supports materials science research, covering topics inlcuding metals, polymers, ceramics, composites, and biomaterials and dealing with areas such as corrosion, molding and casting, treatment, recycling, testing, finishing, welding, and forming.
- Provides ongoing full-text academic journals that are locally published by scholarly publishing organizations and educational institutions in many Middle Eastern and African countries.
- Provides full-text titles on military issues from around the world, including scholarly journals, trade and industry journals, magazines, technical reports, conference proceedings, government publications, and more.Coverage: 1987-.
- Provides content and tools to support the study of literature from a variety of sources including primary texts, criticism, full-text journals, book reviews, dissertations, eBooks, reference material, audio, and video.Coverage: varies.
- Contains hundreds of leading political science and international relations journals, full-text doctoral dissertations, working papers, conference proceedings, country profiles, political news and other sources. This link cross searches ProQuest Political Science Database, PAIS Index, and Worldwide Political Science Abstracts.Coverage: 1985-.
- Provides abstracts and indexing for scholarly journals on psychology and associated research areas including behavioral, clinical, cognitive, developmental, experimental, industrial and social psychology, along with personality, psychobiology and psychometrics.Coverage: 1990-.
- Contains 18 newspapers with coverage beginning in the late 2000s through present with a three-month embargo. Titles include Barron’s, LA Times, Newsday, The Boston Globe, The Washington Post, and more.
- Multimedia-based information literacy solution that enables educators and librarians to guide students through research projects efficiently.
- Contains articles from magazines, newspapers, and journals. Areas included: business, health, education, psychology, science, sports, and literature.Coverage: 1986-.
- A definitive resource for students studying both the applied and general sciences.Coverage: 1986-.
- Contains hundreds of academic journals, providing extensive coverage across a wide range of social science disciplines including anthropology, criminology, economics, education, political science, psychology, social work and sociology.Coverage: 1987-.
- This database covers the international literature of sociology and social work, including culture and social structure, history and theory of sociology, social psychology, substance abuse and addiction and more. This collection provides full-text coverage of many core titles included in Sociological Abstracts and Social Services Abstracts.Coverage: 1985-.
- Audio and video recordings of original psychological experiments (when existent) and associated primary-source documents. Includes exclusive and hard-to-find materials such as notes from experiment participants, journal articles, books, field notes, letters penned by the lead psychologist, videos of modern-day replications, and modifications to the original experiments.
- Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, this database strives to include citations to all literature on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other mental-health sequelae of traumatic events, without disciplinary, linguistic, or geographical limitations, and to offer both current and retrospective coverage.
- Citation database with access to MEDLINE covering the fields of medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, and preclinical sciences. Other services include the Journal Browser, MeSH (Medical Subject Heading) Browser, Citation Matcher, and Clinical Queries.Coverage: 1946-.
- Provides access to digital exhibits on queer history. Each exhibit includes a collection of primary source documents and an accompanying essay written by the exhibit curator.
- Indexes general interest magazines published between 1890 and 1982.Coverage: 1890-1982.
- This collection contains materials related to the diplomatic and military response by the United States (as part of a multi-national force) to the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait on August 2, 1990. Source Library: George H.W. Bush Presidential Library.Coverage: 1990-1991.
- The thematic collections from Reveal Digital are sourced from a wide array of libraries, museums, historical societies, and individual collectors. Reveal Digital curates the content in collaboration with an editorial board of library leaders and provides a crowd-publishing model in which libraries pool funds to develop the collections. The results are open access primary source collections of great value to scholars and researchers.
- RILM Abstracts of Music Literature is a comprehensive bibliography on writings about music featuring citations, abstracts, and indexes. It covers over one million publications from around the world on traditional music, popular music, classical music, and related subjects. Coverage begins in the early 19th century and extends to the present.Coverage: 1967-.
- This database includes RIPM Online Archive of Music Periodicals, RIPM e-Library of Music Periodicals, and RIPM Retrospective Index to Music Periodicals (1760-1966).
- Series A/II of the RISM project. Documents music manuscripts, printed music, works on music theory, and libretti, written after 1600. Includes bibliographic description, music incipit, provenance, and holding library.
- Presents the manuscript collections of the Wordsworth Trust including the working notebooks, verse manuscripts and correspondence of William Wordsworth and his fellow writers and artists. Authors and artists represented include Wordsworth, Coleridge, Lamb, Ruskin, Gainsborough, and others. Also includes over 2,500 fine art pieces from the Wordsworth Trust’s fine art collection.
- One of the world's leading archives of social science data, specializing in data from surveys of public opinion. Covers opinions on social issues, politics, pop culture, international affairs, and more. Most of the data are from the United States, but over 50 nations are represented.Coverage: 1935-present.
- Provides access to primary sources on early American History. ZSR access includes George Washington Papers, Andrew Jackson Papers, Papers of Frederick Law Olmstead, and Founders Early Access.
- Overviews of research and trends and background information in the Social Sciences and Humanities. WFU access includes the following subject collections: Asian Studies; Communication, Journalism, Media & Culture; Environment & Sustainability; Law; Philosophy; Politics; Religion; Security Studies; and Sociology.
- Provides access to social science ebooks published by Sage, including scholarly books, textbooks, and professional development titles.
- This collection of case studies spans the globe, including all business types and the gamut of business and management topics. Instructors have access to teaching notes that can include PowerPoint presentations, learning objectives and discussion questions, and in-depth case analyses. Contact or for instructor access.
- Provides access to self-paced courses that cover critical skills and research methods across all stages of academic study and disciplines. Click Register to create your account through WFU.
- With SAGE Data (formerly called Data Planet), you can scan and search the contents of billions of datasets, compare and contrast variables of interest, and create customized views in tables, maps, rankings, and charts. Views also include descriptive summaries of the datasets and data sources.Coverage: Details not available.
- SAGE Explorer includes over 40,000 cases, videos, data, and more related to social and behavioral sciences.
- Provides access to ebook versions of encyclopedias and handbooks in the social and behavioral sciences.
- Provides access to book, reference, and journal content, as well as multimedia resources, to support researchers at all stages of a research project. Includes information on the full range of qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods for the social and behavioral sciences, as well as many methods commonly used in the hard sciences.
- This offering of comprehensive, easy-to-use, and interactive resources supports students in gaining the skills relevant to their academic and professional success. Develop and practice real-world business and professional skills needed to transition from campus to the modern workplace. Relatable narratives of real workplace experiences allow for practical context to be applied to academic content, preparing students to navigate professional opportunities and challenges.
- Provides access to videos on social science topics. Browse by discipline or by video type, including case study, definition, interview, demonstration, and more.
- This collection of 136 hours and 420 videos draws upon a vast network of SAGE’s authors and editors. It includes many tutorials, such as Mick Cooper on Empathy and Listening, multiple interviews with leading experts such as Jerrold Lee Shapiro on Existential Psychotherapy and John McLeod on Evidence-Based Practice, along with many more films addressing teaching, learning and practitioner issues.
- A multidisciplinary index, with searchable author abstracts, covering the journal literature of the sciences: agriculture, neuroscience, astronomy, oncology, biochemistry, pediatrics, biology, pharmacology, biotechnology, physics, chemistry, plant sciences, computer science, psychiatry, materials science, surgery, mathematics, veterinary science, medicine, and zoology.Coverage: 1945-.
- Includes structure, reaction, text, and field searching capablilities and the Houben-Weyl Archive, Science of Synthesis Original Series, Science of Synthesis Knowledge Updates, and Science of Synthesis Reference library.
- E-book series comprised of the Science of Synthesis and the predecessor series, Houben-Weyl Methods of Organic Synthesis.
- Coverage includes Biochemistry and Biology, Business & Management, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Economics, Engineering & Technology, Environmental Science, Materials Science, Mathematics & Computer science, Medicine & Pharmacology, Neurosciences, Physics, Social Sciences.Coverage: varies.
- Provded by CAS, a division of the American Chemical Society, this database includes reference, substance, reaction and supplier content as well as relevance-ranked answer sets, step-by-step procedures and protocols, biosequence searching, retrosynthesis planning, patent landscape mapping, touch-screen enabled structure drawing.Users can now log into SciFinder with their WFU username and password. If you have an existing SciFinder account associated with your WFU email address, you will still have access to all of your saved searches and other data when you log in.
- is a tool that helps students and researchers discover and understand research findings more efficiently through Smart Citations. In addition, individuals are able to visualize and share metrics on their own publications. Use VPN to access remotely.
- Abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature from scientific journals, books and conference proceedings. Areas of focus include science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities.
- Collection of 17th and 18th century English newspapers and news pamphlets. Published mostly in London, but there are also some English provincial, Irish and Scottish papers, and a few examples from the American colonies, Europe and India. Includes page images.Coverage: 1604-1804.
- Annotated bibliography of historical work covering the entire span of U.S. foreign relations.
- This resource features the world-famous prompt book collection at the Folger Shakespeare Library. These prompt books tell the story of Shakespeare plays as they were performed in theatres throughout Great Britain, the United States and internationally, between the seventeenth and twentieth centuries.
- A glossary and language companion to the works of Shakespeare focusing on words that have changed meaning over time or that are no longer used as they were in Shakespeare’s works. Also allows you to find every use of a word across Shakespeare’s plays and sonnets. Includes searchable full-texts of the First Folio and modern language versions of the plays. Access is available on campus and through VPN only.
- The USC Shoah Foundation’s Visual History Archive allows users to search and view video testimonies of survivors and witnesses of genocide. Initially a repository of Holocaust testimony, the Visual History Archive has expanded to include testimonies from the Armenian Genocide that coincided with World War I, the 1937 Nanjing Massacre in China, the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda, the Guatemalan Genocide of 1978-1996 and the Cambodian Genocide of 1975-1979.
- Simmons Insights includes advanced reporting analytics, data visualizations, and business intelligence applications with comprehensive profiling that enable clients to build proprietary data dashboards and custom analyses. Five concurrent users may access Simmons Insights.
- Map thousands of demographic, business, and marketing data variables. Coverage limited to the United States.Coverage: Details not available.
- Provides background and current analysis necessary for research and understanding of hundreds of current issues. Analysis and opinions cover the pros, cons, and everything in between on the most researched and debated social issues.Coverage: Details not available.
- Provides access to petitions on race, slavery, and free blacks that were submitted to state legislatures and county courthouses between 1775 and 1867.Coverage: 1775-1867.
- Access to primary and secondary source documents from 1490-2007 that allow researchers to examine the history of slavery, abolition and social justice in America, the Caribbean, Brazil and Cuba along with material examining European, Islamic and African involvement in the slave trade.Coverage: 1490-2007.
- Documents the international and domestic traffic in slaves in Britain’s New World colonies and the United States, providing important primary source material on the business aspect of the slave trade.Coverage: 1636-1880.
- Social Explorer allows users to visually explore demographic information, from census and economic data to election and religion data. The site includes data from the entire US Census from 1790 to 2010, all annual updates from the American Community Survey to 2008, and other data sets.
- Indexes journals in the social sciences. Provides links to full-text when available. Useful for searching for articles that cite a known author or work (citation searching). Citation searching also allows you to use a given work as a subject term in order to identify more recent articles about the same topic.Coverage: 1956-.
- Provides access to scholarly journal coverage of current research focused on social work, human services, and related areas, including social welfare, social policy, and community development.Coverage: 1979-.
- Provides citations and abstracts to articles published in sociology, social welfare, and social policy, as well as other related topics in the social and behavioral sciences. Also includes citations to some books and many dissertations. Includes Social Services Abstracts.Coverage: 1952-.
- Free open-access collection of key historical and contemporary sources in arts, humanities and social sciences, from and about South Asia, in English and other languages of the region. Contains books, journals, newspapers, census data, magazines, and documents, with particular focus on social & economic history, literature, women & gender, and caste & social structure.
- This intellectual and literary magazine published before and during the Civil War (1834-1864) provides insight into Southern culture in the antebellum and early war era.Coverage: 1834-1864.
- The SPIE Digital Library is the most extensive resource available on optics and photonics, providing unprecedented access to technical publications from SPIE Journals, Conference Proceedings and Presentations, and eBooks from SPIE Press from 1962 to the present. More than 18,000 new technical papers and 25 eBooks are added annually.
- Citations and some abstracts from periodicals, books, conference proceedings, dissertations and theses, research papers, etc. covering the areas of sports, physical fitness, sport science and recreation. Access is limited to four simultaneous users.Coverage: 1830-.
- SMA is a single resource for analytics of sports marketing trends, brand preferences, general media habits, sponsorship, social media, fantasy, eSports, participation, and sports equipment and footwear.Coverage: 1996-.
- Provides specialized, editorially curated resources from scholarly and trade literature. Topics range from physical and health education to fitness and recreation and the business of sports, as well as kinesiology, physical therapy, motor learning, and sport sociology and psychology.Coverage: 1970-.
- Reproducible, step-by-step laboratory protocols in the Life and Biomedical Sciences. Compiles protocols from book series Methods in Molecular Biology, Methods in Molecular Medicine, Methods in Biotechnology, Methods in Pharmacology and Toxicology, and Neuromethods, as well as from a number of Laboratory Handbooks.Coverage: 1980-.
- Contains a collection of the constitutions of the 50 states of the United States with related documents and resources. Contains the text of every constitution with the original, consolidated and current texts and an collection of documents from before statehood.
- Covers the reigns of George I, George II and part of that of George III, providing material on British domestic politics and society. The documents include reports, petitions and correspondence relating to the general administration and constitution of England; law and order; trade and shipping; and the founding of the British empire. The Military and Naval series are detailed records on the structure, administration and activities of the army and navy.
- Covers two hundred years of British and European history, from the reign of Henry VIII to the end of the reign of Queen Anne. Gathers together sixteenth- and seventeenth-century British State Papers and links these rare historical manuscripts to their fully text-searchable calendars.Coverage: 1509-1714.
- Provides data, statistics, and reports on many topics including media, business, politics, society, technology and education. Add-ons include: Consumer Insights, providing increased data and analytics on consumer attitudes and behavior worldwide and eCommerce Insights, providing increased data and analytics on the eCommerce landscape including customer behavior and digital market insights.
- Authoritative and comprehensive summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic conditions of the United States.Coverage: 1878-.
- This database aggregates the statistical abstracts of over 40 countries (and growing) and makes the content available through a single-search interface. These statistical abstracts are generally issued by the national statistical offices of foreign governments and contain country-level data not easily found elsewhere. Global and regional statistical compendia issued by international organizations and research firms are also included.Coverage: 2013-.
- Contains information and data on cases, justices, and the history and power of the U.S. Supreme Court. Covers all supreme court justices from 1789 to the present.
- Contains full opinions US Supreme Court including per curiam decisions, dockets, oral arguments, joint appendices and amici briefs, with harmonized subject and organization indexing. Supreme Court Insight also includes Supreme Court Insight Certiorari Denied.Coverage: 1933-Present.
- Academic streaming library of feature films, documentaries and foreign films from the largest movie studios, including Walt Disney, Warner Bros., Paramount, NBCUniversal, Columbia Pictures, Lions Gate, MGM, Miramax and many more. ZSR subscribes to the 1000 most popular titles and has licensed a few others for campus.
- Symptom Media is a robust online resource for mental health education and training. WFU provides access to over 1,000 unique, concise training tools including Symptom Media’s Assessment Tools, DSM-5-TR, ICD 10 & Teletherapy video case studies, and simulation activities.
- Genetic and molecular biology data for the model higher plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Data available includes the complete genome sequence along with gene structure, gene product information, gene expression, DNA and seed stocks, genome maps, genetic and physical markers, publications, and information about the Arabidopsis research community.
- Provides access education related instruction materials (short movies, audio book readings, book discussion guides) about children’s and young adult books and authors.
- Contains the most important dramatic works of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Spain.
- Central platform that can be used to search for and request individual access to industry standards. First time users will need to register for an account.
- Theatre and Drama Premium provides everything you need to bring the spectacle of theatre and drama into the classroom, from interviews with giants like Arthur Miller or James Earl Jones to previously unpublished play manuscripts from the genius of Ed Bullins and Jeannie Barroga.Includes the Drama Text collection, featuring Asian American Drama, Black Drama, Latin American Drama, North American Indian Drama, and more; and the Theatre Performance and Design Collection, featuring the National Theatre Collection, Royal Shakespeare Company Collection, Audio Drama: The L.A. Theatre Works Collection, and more.
- Streaming video of definitive performances of the world’s leading plays, together with more than 100 film documentaries. Users can bookmark specific scenes, monologues and staging.Coverage: Details not available.
- Users must create a User Profile to access the Full Corpus. Ancient Greek texts from Homer (8 c. B.C.E.) to the fall of Byzantium in 1453 and beyond.Coverage: 8th century B.C. to 1453.
- A Latin dictionary covering the classical period up to about 600 C.E.
- For those within the film industry, information and opinion were shaped by a number of aggressive trade publications, each competing for the same limited number of subscribers. Chief among these was the Moving Picture World, which reviewed current releases and published news, features, and interviews relating to all aspects of the industry.Coverage: 1907-1927.
- This digital collection reviews U.S.-China relations in the post-Cold War Era, and analyzes the significance of the 1989 Tiananmen Square demonstrations, China’s human rights issues, and resumption of World Bank loans to China in July 1990. Source Library: George H.W. Bush Presidential Library.Coverage: 1989-1993.
- Searchable, full-text, page image access to the Times of London, sometimes called the “world’s newspaper of record.” Access goes back to the first issue.
- Provides searchable, full-text, page image access. Founded in 1838 to serve the British residents of West India, The Times of India is now the largest English daily newspaper in the world. Access goes back to the first issue.Coverage: 1838-2010.
- Provides searchable, full text access. Published in Tokyo to stimulate US-Japan amity and written for both Japanese and western readerships, Trans-Pacific Online is a source of political, cultural and commercial news in the early 20th century.Coverage: 1919-1940.
- Language-learning resource for or learners of all levels looking to build their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in a foreign language. Has 110 languages, including English for speakers of over 30 languages, there is something for every learner. An account must be created to use this but with an account you can also download the mobile app and use it.
- These personal accounts describe the travel experiences, destinations and desires of nineteenth and twentieth century American women through diaries, correspondence, and more.Coverage: 1835-1976.
- Includes over 50,000 poems by over 300 poets, including Ezra Pound, William Carlos Williams, Denise Levertov, Wallace Stevens, Langston Hughes, and Cathy Song.Coverage: 1901-2000.
- Over 500 volumes of poetry including W. B. Yeats, Rudyard Kipling, Robert Graves, A. E. Housman, John Betjeman, Fleur Adcock, Tony Harrison, Benjamin Zephaniah and Carol Ann Duffy.Coverage: 1885-2000.
- A collection of poetry written by the most important and influential African American poets of the twentieth century. Includes over 10,000 poems by around 70 poets, including Rita Dove, Robert Hayden, Sherley Anne Williams, Bob Kaufman, and Langston Hughes.Coverage: 1901-2000.
- Current U.S. news content and archives that stretch back into the 1980s. Provides key national and regional news sources from the U.S. and includes full text from The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Boston Globe, Newsday, and Chicago Tribune.
- Contains comprehensive coverage of the U.S. Reports, an indexed compilation of the official full text of all decisions of the Supreme Court and the official record of its rulings, orders, case tables, and other proceedings. Also includes books, periodicals, CRS reports, rules of the Court, and court history.
- Easily find JSTOR articles that cite a given line of a Shakespeare play. Simply navigate to the line of the play and click the number next to it to view a list of relevant articles from the JSTOR archive.
- Information and analysis on stocks.Coverage: Details not available.
- Contains streaming video of NBC nightly news broadcasts (August 1968 to present) and CNN broadcasts (1995 to present); video requires RealPlayer. Also contains abstracts of evening news broadcasts from ABC, NBC, and CBS from August 1968 to present; daily news programs from CNN (1995 to present), FOX News (2004 to present), and ABC Nightline (12 September 1988 to present); and a selection of special programs, including coverage of political events, events related to September 11, 2001, and more. Content is added approximately 72 hours after it was broadcast. Loan requests accepted for video of broadcasts that are not available online.Coverage: August 1968 to present.
- The Victorian Popular Culture portal is a resource for the study of popular entertainment in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It contains a wide range of source material relating to popular entertainment in America, Britain and Europe in the period from 1779 to 1930, and shows how interconnected these worlds were.Coverage: 1779-1930.
- This resource documents the founding and economic development of Virginia as seen through the papers of the Virginia Company of London, 1606-1624.Coverage: 1590-1790.
- Contains in-depth data about U.S. Presidential, Congressional, and Gubernatorial campaigns and elections, historical and modern. Data export tools allow for customized data downloads for statistical analysis. Also includes information about voter demographics and political parties.Coverage: 1789-2012.
- Provides access to books, periodicals, and other materials in the areas of war and terrorism intended to be of use for analysts, risk management professionals, and students of military science, history, and social scienceCoverage: 1980-.
- Until the Bureau of Indian Affairs was established in 1824, Indian affairs were under the control of the Secretary of War. This collection includes letters to and from the War Department, including correspondence from Indian superintendents, territorial & state governors, military commanders, Indians, missionaries, and other public and private individuals. Additional attachments include vouchers, receipts, depositions, contracts, newspapers, copies of speeches, passports for travel in the Indian country, etc. Source Library: U.S. National ArchivesCoverage: 1800-1824.
- Contains three ISI Citation Databases (Science Citation Index, Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index), plus Biological Abstracts, Emerging Sources Citation Index, MEDLINE (PubMed), and the SciELO Citation Index. Provides bibliographic data, author abstracts, and cited references.Coverage: 1945-.
- Find data on advertising agencies, advertisers, key contacts, ad spends, media types, and more with this sales prospecting tool formerly known as the Advertising Red Books
- Full text, searchable access to the Winston-Salem Journal (1898-present) and Twin City Sentinel (1906-1985).
- Includes primary documents, books, images, scholarly essays, book reviews, Web site reviews, and teaching tools, all documenting the multiplicity of women’s activism in public life. Also includes a searchable online edition of the highly respected research tool “Notable American Women: A Biographical Dictionary” (5 volumes, 1971–2004), fully integrated into the broader Women & Social Movements database.
- This database examines efforts to foster gender equity through expanded economic and social participation of women on a global scale. Covering a century, the database highlights and evaluates activism through individual efforts, organizational initiatives, and socio-cultural projects led by or for women in the Global South.Coverage: 1919-2019.
- A finding aid for women’s studies resources in The National Archives, UK is presented alongside original documents on the suffrage question in Britain, the Empire and colonial territories.Coverage: 1559-1995.
- Contains the full text of hundreds of pre-Victorian English-language works written by women. Works are both fiction and non-fiction. The text of each work is fully searchable. A special subset, Renaissance Women Online, contains 100 works from this period as well as critical commentary.Coverage: 1400-1850.
- This collection includes the current constitution for every country in its original language format and an English translation, as well as substantial constitutional histories. Analyitical and scholarly sources relevant to the constitutions in HeinOnline are also linked.
- Contains Hein’s U.S. Treaty Index (1776-Present), United Nations Treaty Series (1948-Present), League of Nations Treaty Series (1920-1946), Rohn’s World Treaty Index (1900-2000), Historical Treaty Index (1648-1919), Wiktor’s Multilateral Treaty Calendar (1648-1995) and Martens’ Treaties (1761-1944).
- Includes more than 3,500 trials including complete sets of American State Trials, Howell’s State Trials, and the Nuremburg Trials. It contains trial transcripts, critical court documents, and trial-related resources such as monographs which analyze and debate the decisions of famous trials, as well as biographies of many of the greatest trial lawyers in history.
- Includes holdings information from the world’s libraries. Use to find out what resources are available in libraries other than ZSR, and use the ‘request from ILL’ button in any record to connect to our ILL system.Coverage: 1200-.
- This resource digitizes primary source material from hundreds of international fairs and expositions spanning 1829-2015.Coverage: 1851-2015.
- Contains international journals, proceedings, and books covering zoological topics in animal behavior, ecology, evolution, habitat, nutrition, parasitology, reproduction, taxonomy, and zoogeography. The thesaurus allows cross linking of subject, geographic, palaeontologic, and taxonomic vocabularies.Coverage: 1978-2007.
Quick Picks: Background Info
- Search across hundreds of subject encyclopedias and other reference works. A great place to find background information on almost any research topic. Includes subject trees, pro/con resources, links to scholarly articles and more.
- Search across hundreds of subject encyclopedias and other reference works. A great place to find background information on almost any research topic. Includes a topic finder for help with narrowing or broadening your research topic.Coverage: varies.
- Includes articles ranging from concise explanations to comprehensive expositions and from historical treatments of subjects to current-events coverage. Includes Britannica’s Book of the Year and Nations of the World.Coverage: 1994-.
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Quick Picks: Country Research
- Covers political, economic and statistical information about more than 250 countries and territories, as well as international and regional organizations. A starting point for any kind of country research.Coverage: Details not available.
- Information about countries geared towards those traveling (personally or professionally) or researching current issues. Contains informaiton on travel, cuisine, government, society, and more.Coverage: Details not available.
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Quick Picks: Current News
- Current US and international news. This simultaneously searches ProQuest databases US Newsstream, International Newsstream, Global Breaking Newswires, Canadian Newsstream, Ethnic Newswatch, and Recent Newspapers.
- Nexis Uni features more than 15,000 news, business and legal sources, including U.S. Supreme Court decisions dating back to 1790.
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Quick Picks: Data & Statistics
- Provides data, statistics, and reports on many topics including media, business, politics, society, technology and education. Add-ons include: Consumer Insights, providing increased data and analytics on consumer attitudes and behavior worldwide and eCommerce Insights, providing increased data and analytics on the eCommerce landscape including customer behavior and digital market insights.
- With SAGE Data (formerly called Data Planet), you can scan and search the contents of billions of datasets, compare and contrast variables of interest, and create customized views in tables, maps, rankings, and charts. Views also include descriptive summaries of the datasets and data sources.Coverage: Details not available.
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Quick Picks: Multi-Subject Databases
- Provides access to journals covering the social sciences, humanities, education, and more. Good general-purpose database for researching most topics.Coverage: 1985-.
- Indexes and provides full-text access to scholarly journals, newspapers, magazines, dissertations, working papers, and market reports across all major subject areas.
- A full-text database of archived issues of academic journals. Since JSTOR is a backfiles project, a typical coverage range is the beginning of a journal until three or five years ago. Artstor images are now integrated into JSTOR. Supported in part by the Dail Endowment Fund.Coverage: Varies.
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Quick Picks: Streaming Video
- Streaming video platform for libraries that offers films, TV shows, and documentaries across mutliple subject areas.
- Academic streaming library of feature films, documentaries and foreign films from the largest movie studios, including Walt Disney, Warner Bros., Paramount, NBCUniversal, Columbia Pictures, Lions Gate, MGM, Miramax and many more. ZSR subscribes to the 1000 most popular titles and has licensed a few others for campus.
- This streaming video collection provides a range of content with the most valuable video documentaries and series from PBS. Covers subjects from science, history, art, Shakespeare, diversity, business & economics, and more.
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