During April 2006

Here @ ZSR

We Heard You!

Library Planning Committee Recommends Extended Book Limit In the February issue of ZSReads, it was announced that the Library Planning Committee was considering a recommendation to limit the number of books checked out at any one time to 50. Many of you wrote back asking to increase the number or to abolish limits altogether for... Continue reading “We Heard You!”

Wake the Library!

24 Hour Finals Week a Huge Success ZSR tried an experiment this semester by keeping the entire Library open 24 hours during final exams. It was judged a huge success by students who appreciated the study space and the food that was provided. Donations were received by a number of departments and offices on campus... Continue reading “Wake the Library!”

Presidential Trust for Faculty Excellence

The University has announced that 10% of all contributions received under the Presidential Trust for Faculty Excellence will be earmarked to the Z. Smith Reynolds Library in support of faculty information needs. Faculty library representatives have been invited to submit one-time mini-grant requests to the Library in areas of greatest need. Continue reading “Presidential Trust for Faculty Excellence”

Leaving Town this Summer?

Take the Virtual Library with You! Even if you are out of the country, you are never very far from the resources of the Z. Smith Reynolds Library. Consult your library liaison on what databases and full-text resources are available to you online. It may be more than you think! Continue reading “Leaving Town this Summer?”

LibQUAL+TM Survey Completed

Sincere thanks go to all faculty members who completed the recent LibQUAL+TM survey on library satisfaction. We participate in this national survey every other year in order to gain feedback on our services, as well as to compare our performance to peer academic libraries. We will get this year’s results in June and will immediately... Continue reading “LibQUAL+TM Survey Completed”