This article is more than 5 years old.

Wanda Brown
Wanda K. Brown has been appointed Associate Director of the Z. Smith Reynolds Library. She was formerly Head of Technical and Access Services at the library. She is a graduate of Winston-Salem State University and holds a Master’s degree from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.
Ms. Brown joined the Z. Smith Reynolds Library in 1977 as a Library Technician and rose through the ranks as Cataloger, Assistant Head of Cataloging, Head of Cataloging, and Team Leader for Technical Services prior to her current position.
Ms. Brown is active in the technical services and library diversity communities. She is currently Chair of the Finance Committee and Chair-Elect of the Library Administration and Management Section of the North Carolina Library Association. She is also President of the Black Caucus of the American Library Association and has been accepted into the 2007-08 class of the Leadership Winston-Salem program.