This article is more than 5 years old.
A BibID is a unique identifier for each bibliographic record in the catalog. BibIDs have several nifty uses even for people who never use the back end of Voyager.
Links to catalog records
You can make a short and persistent link to a specific record in the OPAC by using this syntax:
In this case 123456 is the BibID. BibID links are how we connect to ZSR Print Holdings on the Journals page.
Reporting errors
When submitting a FixZak report, you can include the BibID number to ensure that we’ll quickly get to the right record. You may find typing in a BibID faster than typing in a title or otherwise describing where you were in the catalog.
Great! So how do I find a BibID?
Click on Staff View in any record. Copy the number in the 001 field, which is always the second row in the record.