This article is more than 5 years old.

Earl Smith, Professor of Sociology and Rubin Distinguished Professor of American Ethnic Studies
Earl Smith, Professor of Sociology and Rubin Distinguished Professor of American Ethnic Studies, is the first faculty member to benefit from the WFU Open Access fund. His article, African American Men and Intimate Partner Violence, appears in the June 2008 issue of Journal of African American Studies.
The journal’s publisher, Springer, offers an Open Choice program whereby authors may make their articles freely available online by paying a processing fee. The ZSR Library and Office of Research announced an Open Access fund earlier this year to help authors pay such fees. Under the current agreement, the costs are split three ways between ZSR, the Office of Research, and the author’s home department. Any faculty member who is interested in applying for such funds should complete the online information form. For more information, contact any member of the library’s Scholarly Communications Committee, Sarah Jeong, Ellen Daugman, or Kevin Gilbertson.