This article is more than 5 years old.

As many of you may recall, the ZSR Library has been recycling batteries at the ITC desk for years. This began back in the days of the old Palm PDAs that ran off of copious amounts of AAA batteries. Back then, Ellen Knott and I would make a trip every semester to 3RC the Envirostation in Winston-Salem. Two years ago, when the University made a recycling video, the ITC desk was featured as a battery drop-off location. As staff and student usage of this service has increased, so have our trips to 3RC. We now go twice a semester! Now, thanks to Craig’s excellent signmaking skills, we’ve added a prominent sign to the drop-off box in ITC. So remember, bring your batteries to the ITC desk to be recycled!

Drop your dead batteries off at the ITC Desk in the ZSR Library