This article is more than 5 years old.

Over the course of the last few years, several publications that had lived in the Mandlebaum Room on the popular magazine shelves either ceased publication or were cancelled. That left us ten slots to fill with new titles. The Research and Instruction team looked at usage data for our current popular titles and print periodicals that were not in Mandlebaum as well as considering gaps in subject coverage. This let us pretty easily identify ten titles to move out into the popular periodicals shelves. Thanks to Bradley Podair in Resource Services, the locations were changed in the catalog. Thanks to a great RIS student, Rachel Glascock, new tags were made for the shelves and the titles were brought out and added. The titles we moved are below – come visit!

  • Advocate
  • Art in America
  • Cheng Ming
  • Christian century
  • Film Comment
  • Golf Digest
  • Gramophone
  • Harvard Business Review
  • National Geographic Traveler
  • Publishers Weekly