This article is more than 5 years old.

Based on recent suggestions from our reference librarians, we have pushed a few key improvements to the library catalog into production:

  • Due date: Due date now displays on record pages for items that are checked out. Yes, that’s right, you won’t have to check classic view to see when something is due.
  • Call number browsing: Call numbers (in the holdings tab on record pages) are now direct links to call number browsing. It’ll be just like browsing the shelf – except this shelf contains ebooks and other electronic materials.
  • Facet order: We reordered the facets in the sidebar, pushing publication date and location to the top. We’re hoping that we can condense these long lists into something more manageable – we’ll keep you posted.
  • Zotero: We added support for secondary authors and place of publication and removed the trailing slash from the title for Zotero imports. So, the next time you add an item in the catalog to your Zotero library, rest assured – that slash won’t be there.

If you have any improvements for library catalog that you would like to see, please let us know.