The Z. Smith Reynolds Library proudly presents the first Library Lecture Series event for the semester: “A Conversation with Mr. Wake Forest: A Student Event with Provost Emeritus Ed Wilson”. It will take place on Thursday, January 22 at 4:00 p.m. Students are invited to join Dr. Wilson, “Mr. Wake Forest”, for an informal discussion... Continue reading “A Conversation with Mr. Wake Forest: A Student Event with Provost Emeritus Ed Wilson” ›
Last week, as part of my responsibilities as an Instruction and Outreach Librarian at ZSR, I was planning a variety of outreach events for Spring 2015. As I planned these events, I realized that many of these events happen away from ZSR or after hours, and I thought it might be worthwhile to take a... Continue reading “What The Heck Does An Outreach Librarian Do?” ›
As a fan of better presentation tools, I’m always on the lookout for ways to replace Powerpoint! Here are a few options that go beyond Powerpoint and even past Prezi! First, there is Microsoft Sway. I like Sway because it has nice features for embedding Tweets and Videos into your presentation! (Microsoft account required!) Another... Continue reading “Cool New Presentation Tools for Spring 2015” ›