This week, Wake Forest University libraries launched Primo, a new discovery interface that adds functionality at a time when online library services are more important than ever. Students, faculty and staff can use Primo to access their library accounts and search catalogs and databases. The new platform is in use campus-wide for Z. Smith Reynolds, Law, and Carpenter Medical Libraries.

The Library is offering a series of PDC online workshops to help orient you to Primo and highlight key features. Workshops will cover finding books, journals and articles, as well as virtually browsing campus stacks. Participants will learn how to manage course reserves, holds, ZSR delivers, library accounts and more.

ZSR will post instructional videos on its YouTube channel and create additional aids for reference and sharing with students. Librarians are available to set up online appointments for one-on-one instruction and to present virtually to your classes to show how best to use the new system.

ZSR and your library liaisons are available to answer your questions about Primo and how to harness its new features for teaching and research success.