The ZSR Library has many new online research instruction resources to meet the needs of our students, faculty, and staff!

We’ve been creating short videos for playlists on our YouTube Channel, adding modules to the WFU Canvas Commons, updating research guides with the latest APA and MLA style guide information, and before the semester begins, we will have videos on the new library search interface, Primo, a new welcome to ZSR video, and new videos on using the Library’s website for research! These can all be incorporated into your Canvas courses as needed. Library liaisons will be reaching out to faculty with all this news and more in the coming weeks! Liaisons can arrange for synchronous or asynchronous online research instruction sessions with your students this Fall!

ZSR Library YouTube Channel

  • Research Instruction Tutorials (This list will continue to grow!)
  • Zotero Videos (There are three videos that together can replace our face-to-face Zotero workshop!)
  • Online Workshop Videos (We have four different workshops on Mis/disinformation online that we’ve offered via the PDC this Summer, with a new workshop on mis/disinformation around vaccines coming in August!)

WFU Canvas Commons Resources (look for the link to the Canvas Commons in the navigation pane of your Canvas course and limit to WFU!)

  • Zotero (Embed these modules and worksheets into your Canvas course to introduce your students to this powerful research management and citation tool!)
  • Searching ZSR Library Databases (We have videos to guide you when searching Proquest, Ebsco, and LexisNexis databases!)

Updated Citation Style Guides

  • APA 7th (New! Now with all the information you need to cite sources in the recently released 7th edition of this citation style!)
  • MLA 8th (Recently updated with even more examples, including how to cite speeches!)
  • Chicago 17th (We have access to and we link to the website for the Chicago Manual of Style.)

Updated Plagiarism Tutorial

Coming Soon (prior to the start of Fall ’20)

  • Videos on using the library’s new search interface, Primo (Zoom workshop are on the PDC now!)
  • Welcome to ZSR video (This video will focus on the changes in ZSR for Fall ’20!)
  • Using the Library’s website for Research (An online introduction to ZSR that you can embed in your Canvas course!)

If you have questions or need more information, just check with your ZSR Library liaison!