This has been an extraordinary year, and, like everything else, we also have to modify our signature “Wake the Library” end of semester programming this spring. But, ZSR is happy to announce a handful of initiatives that will help to ease the end-of-semester crunch for our Deacs!

Extended Hours

Starting on Reading Day, the library will be open longer hours for the duration of the exam period.

Friday (5/7)
8am – 7pm
Saturday (5/8)
8am – 5pm
Sunday (5/9)
11am – 1am
Monday – Thursday (5/10 – 5/13)
8am – 1am
Friday (5/14)
8am – 7pm
Saturday (5/15)
8am – 5pm

Check the library calendar for more hours. Camino’s hours will also be extended!

Wake the Library: Pandemic Edition

In the Atrium of the library, there will be snacks, giveaways, and study aids for students in the library provided at various times throughout the day to fuel your body and your spirit. Wake the Library!

More Seating

In response to the newest guidelines from the CDC, ZSR is expanding our seating options starting on May 7, to allow for 3 feet of social distancing (down from 6 feet) wherever possible. Of course, masks will still be required.

Library Access

While the campus will be increasing access by allowing guests to campus through the gates starting May 1st, the ZSR Library building will continue to be key card access only to ensure every available seat is open to students who need a place to study. And remember, study carrels and study rooms are available for reserving through our online reservation system.

ZSR is here for you. Good luck with finals! Go DEACS!