ZSR will reopen for student use at 4pm on Sunday, February 21. We will resume our regular operating hours. Some of our more remote areas of the library (Reynolds room 611 and Wilson wing, level 1) will be unavailable as study space, but we will continue to have nearly 300 socially distanced spaces for students.

Please note that:

  • mask wearing is mandatory in the building at all times
  • increasing adherence to sanitizing wipe cleaning protocols is expected (grab a wipe and wipe down your area before and after use)
  • monitoring of student behavior will increase to ensure that six feet social distancing is in place

We also will be vigorously enforcing mask wearing when students are not actively eating or drinking. (Please replace your mask between sips and bites!) We are doing this to ensure that the health metrics on campus allow ZSR to remain open to students! Thank you for your cooperation.

We welcome you back!