With our latest renewal, one of our most popular business databases, IBIS World, has some great new features. Let’s check them out!

Global Industry Reports

Want to know what’s going on in the world of beer, globally? What about management consultancy, outside the US? Well, now you can find out via IBIS World! Formatted just like the US industry reports, these global reports will help you get up to speed quickly on the ins and outs of what is going on globally in specific industries including a SWOT analysis, market share of major players, supply chain information, and more.

Screenshot of the Industry Research reporting options in IBIS World

Stay in the Know with “Recent Developments”

A new feature at the top of most reports, “Recent Developments” is updated monthly, making sure you have the most up to date context of what is impacting industry performance, growth, and opportunity.

Screenshot of an IBIS World Report on the Comestic & Beauty Products Manufacturing in the US showing the section "Recent Developments"

Understand the Industry at a Local Level

Trying to understand the picture of an industry closer to home? Most US reports will now allow you to view geographic insights into an industry including a breakdown of number of establishments, employment, revenue, and wage growth at the state level.

Screen shot from the IBIS World report on New Car Dealers in the US, showing the geographic breakdown section

Go Beyond the Industry with Company Level Data!

Long loved for their in-depth industry analysis, IBIS now takes that same level of attention to detail to approximately 5,000 public and private companies. With interactive features that allow you to directly benchmark firm performance against competitors, in addition to company news and insights, this new feature will be invaluable when completing company profiles and competitive analysis.

Screen shot from IBIS World showing the US Company Report on L'oreal USA

Get Prepped for That Interview!

Finally, we love any resource that helps you succeed at life post-Wake Forest which is why we love the new “Call Preparation Questions” included on many US industry reports. With great examples of insightful questions you can tailor and ask at the end of your most recent job interview, you will not only stand out from the crowd as having done your research but you will also gain powerful insight into the national and global trends and forces impacting your potential employer.

Screen shot from the IBIS World report on Solar Power in the US featuring the "Call Prep" questions

Want to learn more about IBIS World? Contact one of your business librarians today!