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Alayna Veasey

Alayna Veasey, Collections Assistant

Tell us about what you do at ZSR Library?

“Collections Assistant” is a mysterious title that keeps people guessing, so I’m happy to shed some light on the position. I work directly with the materials housed in Special Collections & Archives. I know what they are, I know where they are, and I move them wherever they need to go. We store materials at ZSR Library and our Offsite Storage facility, so I split my time between two different workplaces. There’s never a dull moment!

What is your favorite book/podcast/movie?

I’m a big podcast fan. They’re perfect for people like me who are always on the move. Maintenance Phase is an entertaining show that debunks various health fads and wellness scams. I like to listen to it during my morning commute. The Magnus Archives is an audio drama that starts out as horror and slowly folds in thriller/mystery elements. I’m not usually a horror fan, but this show grabbed my brain and refused to let go!

What is your favorite project you have worked on in your career?

It’s actually a project I’m working on right now. This summer we are migrating to a new inventory software at our Offsite Storage facility. Once that happens, I will be reorganizing all of our Special Collections materials to maximize our storage space. It’s a lot of work, but creating order from chaos is one of my favorite things to do.

What is one word that best describes your ZSR experience?


What is something we can’t know by looking at you?

I have a second-degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do.