Events & Exhibits

Here @ ZSR

Hunger and Homelessness Week Exhibit

I was approached by Mo Earley, an undergraduate student working with Campus Kitchen to do an exhibit for Hunger and Homelessness Week, November 10-18. There are a number of events during this week which help raise funds and support this event. Turkeypalooza is one such event which ZSR is participating in. Food is donated and... Continue reading “Hunger and Homelessness Week Exhibit”

Human v. Zombies, Take Three!

On Friday, October 26th, 2012, the ZSR Library hosted its third Humans v. Zombies event! These events just keep getting bigger and better! The first event, in the Fall of 2011, brought 80 students to the Library, 103 attended the event in the Spring of 2012 and 128 attended the most recent game! Some students... Continue reading “Human v. Zombies, Take Three!”

Wake Forest Allies Exhibit

This week, I worked with Melanie LeMay, Program Coordinator of the LBGTQ Center to put up an Allies Exhibit. The past week, October 15-19 was Allies Week. The Center asked individuals on campus to write why they were allies on colorful sheets of paper. These posts are arranged in the exhibit case at the library... Continue reading “Wake Forest Allies Exhibit”

Documenting Diversity: Z. Smith Reynolds Library Special Collections and Archives’ Initiative for Creating a Well-rounded University Record at Wake Forest

In celebration of National Archives Month and North Carolina’s Archives Week (October 22-28), ZSR’s Special Collections and Archives is reaching out to invite departments and student groups across campus to deposit their paper and electronic documents in the University Archives. We particularly encourage submissions from groups underrepresented in the Archives, such as WFU’s ethnic minority, LGBTQ, and international communities. We want... Continue reading “Documenting Diversity: Z. Smith Reynolds Library Special Collections and Archives’ Initiative for Creating a Well-rounded University Record at Wake Forest”

Book Discussion: The Warmth of Other Suns

As part of the 2012 “On The Same Page” community read, we will discuss Isabel Wilkerson’s The Warmth of Other Suns. Join us Tuesday, October 16th, 2012 at 7:00pm in the ZSR Library. In this epic, beautifully written masterwork, Pulitzer Prize-winning author Isabel Wilkerson chronicles one of the great untold stories of American history: the... Continue reading “Book Discussion: The Warmth of Other Suns”

Musicircus at ZSR: A LOUD Event!

At ZSR Library, we love it when someone in the Wake Forest community approaches us with a new idea on how to use our space. Music professor Louis Goldstein shared his plans to hold a month-long Cagefest to celebrate the 100th anniversary of John Cage‘s birth. Then he told us he’d love to kick it... Continue reading “Musicircus at ZSR: A LOUD Event!”

Hit the Bricks: 10th Anniversary

Hit the Bricks is an annual student event to raise money for the Brian Piccolo Cancer Research Fund. It’s a great WFU community-wide event that lasts for 8 hours. It has a faculty/staff division in which ZSR Library often fields a team. This year our team members were Susan (Captain), Hu, Mary Beth, Derrik, Rebecca,... Continue reading “Hit the Bricks: 10th Anniversary”

Rob Amberg photography exhibit and “Over Home” Documentary Film

ZSR currently has the largest exhibit in its history with the Rob Amberg photography exhibit. This exhibit incorporates 6 cases at the library entrance and 10 cases upstairs in Room 401-the Ammons Gallery. ZSR is a co-sponsor to the grant from the Provost’s Fund for Academic Excellence that is supporting this work. Rob Amberg is... Continue reading “Rob Amberg photography exhibit and “Over Home” Documentary Film”

Senior Showcase Returns Next Spring

Last April, ZSR held the third annual Senior Showcase, a student-inspired program that highlights exemplary research and artistic theses or projects completed by Wake Forest undergraduates. The 2012 Showcase drew the highest number of nominations representing the widest variety of disciplines to date. To build upon this success, two key improvements are being introduced this... Continue reading “Senior Showcase Returns Next Spring”

Upcoming Events: Lectures, Workshops and a Musicircus

A Musicircus event held in Wellington, New Zealand, in 2010. Creative Commons licensed photo by Kristina D.C. Hoeppner. Musicircus On Friday, September 28, from 5 to 7 p.m. in the Atrium, ZSR will host the first Musicircus to be held on the Wake Forest campus. The Musicircus opens CAGEFEST, which will commemorate the 100th anniversary... Continue reading “Upcoming Events: Lectures, Workshops and a Musicircus”