
Here @ ZSR

Nicaragua Nexus

I had the privilege of joining the Wake Forest delegation to Managua Nicaragua February 23-26, 2011 to dedicate Casa Dingledine in the program known as Nicaragua Nexus. This facility is different than Wake Forest’s other international houses in that it is not residential (yet) and is intended for short stays of 1-3 weeks, rather than... Continue reading “Nicaragua Nexus”

Embedded in Art Seminar

As many of you know, I am a HUGE fan of the American Architect Frank Lloyd Wright. HUGE. So when I noticed that Peggy Smith in the Art Department was teaching a seminar on him this semester I asked her if I could sit in on the class in return for being the ’embedded’ librarian... Continue reading “Embedded in Art Seminar”

Another Successful “Capture the Flag@ZSR”!

On Friday, January 14th, The ZSR Library and the Office of Student Life teamed up to offer our second “Capture the Flag@ZSR”. Check out Susan’s wonderful photos (including a cool time lapse movie) While not as heavily attended as the first capture the flag event we held in August, around half of the students who... Continue reading “Another Successful “Capture the Flag@ZSR”!”

Food for Fines, Fall 2010

Got fines and a desire to help the hungry in our community? The Z. Smith Reynolds Library will accept non-expired, unopened canned goods as payment for overdue fines. For each can of food donated, $1 will be waived from your library fines. (No maximum.) Only canned goods will be accepted. The program will run from... Continue reading “Food for Fines, Fall 2010”

Video: ZSR Team at Hit The Bricks 2010

Hi all, If you couldn’t make it to the quad during Hit The Bricks last Thursday, watch all the fun here: Continue reading “Video: ZSR Team at Hit The Bricks 2010”

ZSR helps Habitat for Humanity

Yesterday, members of ZSR’s staff answered the call from President Hatch to spend some time helping out at WFU’s Habitat for Humanity Houses. The location of the houses was in the south western edge of the city, so far from city center that even I (a person used to big cities) had to proclaim, “are... Continue reading “ZSR helps Habitat for Humanity”

ZSR Library goes to Habitat for Humanity

Hi everyone! Yesterday morning a team of us made our way over to the WFU Habitat for Humanity building site near Kernersville. Different departments on campus have been helping to build the Wake Forest sponsored home. For those of you who could not be with us, I’ve put together a short video of our time... Continue reading “ZSR Library goes to Habitat for Humanity”

LSTA Grant “Preserving Forsyth’s Past” Progress Report

As many of you know, the Z. Smith Reynolds Library and the Forsyth County Public library are collaborating on an LSTA grant called “Preserving Forsyth’s Past”. This grant reaches out to small Forsyth County organizations to educate them about how to organize and preserve their organizations’ cultural heritage materials. As part of the grant, four... Continue reading “LSTA Grant “Preserving Forsyth’s Past” Progress Report”

Food for Fines Results

It is now 5:40pm on Friday, December 11 and while we’ll still continue taking food donations until midnight or so, our Food for Fines inaugural event is coming to a close. We took in a total of 319 cans of food that will be given to Campus Kitchen and distributed to the clients who use... Continue reading “Food for Fines Results”

Thank You!

On behalf of the Staff Association Committee, I would like to say Thank You to all the cash and food donations for the 2009 Turkeypalooza. ZSR staff donated 61 cans of cranberry sauce to Campus Kitchen. Many thanks and Happy Holidays! The Staff Association Committee Continue reading “Thank You!”