Beyond the Desk

News and more from ZSR Library

Humans v Zombies Returns to the ZSR Library!

Back in August, ZSR hosted a Humans v Zombies (HvZ) event for the pre-orientation camps, and it was such a success we decided to bring back HvZ to the whole campus after a four-year hiatus due to COVID! On Friday, October 6th, 96 students gathered in the ZSR Library between 7-8:30 PM to play two... Continue reading “Humans v Zombies Returns to the ZSR Library!”

90-Day Check-In as a ZSR Fellow

My name is Maddie Koontz, and I am the Wake Forest Fellow here at ZSR! I graduated cum laude from Wake in May with a Bachelors of Science in Business and a double major in Classical Studies, and Business and Enterprise Management with a Marketing Concentration. I grew up in a family of big Wake... Continue reading “90-Day Check-In as a ZSR Fellow”

Banned Books Week 2023 and Take Care Tuesdays!

Our most recent Take Care Tuesday event coincided with Banned Books Week, so we joined the effort to spread awareness about increased efforts to ban certain books from school and public libraries and celebrate the freedom to read. We included signage about Banned Books Week and passed out bookmarks with the most-challenged books of 2022... Continue reading “Banned Books Week 2023 and Take Care Tuesdays!”

Deacs Day of Giving

On Tuesday, September 12, 2023, ZSR was buzzing with excitement and a spirit of unity as students, faculty, staff, and alumni came together to support our annual fund, Student Employee Scholarship, and Special Collections and Archives during the “Deacs Day of Giving.” This day would not have been possible without the incredible collaboration with our... Continue reading “Deacs Day of Giving”

Career and Interview Research? Enter IBISWorld!

As a student, staff and/or faculty member of Wake Forest University, you have access to a resource called IBISWorld. If your work exists outside of business or entrepreneurship you’re likely to have never heard of it or been asked to use it before, but we’re here to let you know that it is a very... Continue reading “Career and Interview Research? Enter IBISWorld!”

5 Questions with Will Ritter

Welcome back to another installment of 5 Questions! If you would like to choose 5 Questions yourself, feel free to choose 5 from this form. Will Ritter, Public Services Librarian for User Services Tell us about what you do at ZSR Library? I’m the Public Services Librarian for User Services, where I oversee three key... Continue reading “5 Questions with Will Ritter”

Game Night @ ZSR – How Collaboration with Student Organizations Increases Attendance

On Friday, September 8th, the ZSR Library hosted a Game Night in ZSR from 7-9 pm! Over the summer, we reached out to WFU Esport, the Board Game Club, and Rook and Bishop to select a Friday night early in the semester in hopes of increasing attendance by scheduling the event before other evening programming... Continue reading “Game Night @ ZSR – How Collaboration with Student Organizations Increases Attendance”

Take Care Tuesdays and Other Outreach Events with the Public Services Team!

In the fall semester of 2022, Rodrigo Castro reached out to Meghan Webb and me regarding Public Services and RIO collaborating on outreach events in ZSR. By the spring of 2023, Jemma Johnson was giving away socks to students who participated in the LibQual+ survey at the public service desk, and this fall, Maia Dickinson... Continue reading “Take Care Tuesdays and Other Outreach Events with the Public Services Team!”

ZSR Awards First Student Scholarships

Thanks to an initiative launched by the ZSR Library Board of Visitors, we awarded five $2,500 scholarships to library student workers for the 2023-2024 academic year. To be eligible, students must have met the following criteria: Full-time student Strong academic performance In good standing with the University Be an hourly student worker for ZSR Library... Continue reading “ZSR Awards First Student Scholarships”

5 Question with Jemma Johnson

Welcome back to another installment of 5 Questions! If you would like to choose 5 Questions yourself, feel free to choose 5 from this form. Jemma Johnson, Research Support Assistant What is your favorite book/podcast/movie? Like many, I’m into true crime podcasts. My favorite is “My Favorite Murder” where two female comedians tell each other... Continue reading “5 Question with Jemma Johnson”