Megan Mulder

Megan’s subject areas include: Arts; Humanities; English Literature
Megan Mulder is the Special Collections Librarian at Z. Smith Reynolds Library. She received her M.A. in English Literature from the University of Virginia and M.S. in Library and Information Science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She is lead instructor for LIB260 History of Material Texts, an undergraduate elective offered annually; and she collaborates with WFU faculty in all divisions to integrate special collections material into their curriculum. Megan also oversees collection development and cataloging/metadata for monograph and print materials in ZSR’s Special Collections & Archives department.
Denlinger, Kyle, Mulder, Megan, Shields, Kathy, & Yarfitz, Mir. (2023). Making history together: Reflections on trust, connection, and finding joy in the archive. Exploring inclusive & equitable pedagogies: Creating space for all learners. Association of College and Research Libraries: Chicago, IL.
Mulder, Megan, & Jones, Carolyn. (2012). Putting the Material in Materiality: the Embedded Special Collections Librarian. Past is Portal : Enhancing Undergraduate Learning through Special Collections and Archives. Association of College and Research Libraries: Chicago, IL.
Johnson, Vicki, & Mulder, Megan. (2011). Lights, Camera, Action! Using Archival Collections in Student Documentary Films at Wake Forest University. Journal for the Society of North Carolina Archivists, 9(1), 35-45.
Book Reviews
Mulder, Megan. (2016). Book review: Becoming an embedded librarian: Making connections in the classroom. Technical Services Quarterly, 34 2017(1).
Denlinger, Kyle, Yarfitz, Mir, Mulder, Megan, & Johnston, Carrie. (2021, October). Radical Trust: Meaningful Collaborations between Librarians and Faculty. North Carolina Library Association 64th Biennial Conference, Winston-Salem, NC.
Denlinger, Kyle, Yarfitz, Mir, Shields, Kathy, & Mulder, Megan. (2021, July). Messy & Proud of It: Open Pedagogy with History Undergraduates. Open Education Southern Symposium, Virtual.
Mulder, Megan. (2015, June). Teaching with Special Collections: The Classroom as Liberal Arts Laboratory. Annual conference, Rare Books and Manuscripts Section, Association of College and Research Libraries, Oakland, CA.
Mulder, Megan. (2013, October). The Religion in North Carolina Digital Collection: A Collaborative Project Providing Digital Access to Primary Materials. North Carolina Library Association 2013 Conference, Winston-Salem, NC.
Mulder, Megan. (2013, October). Stuff in Dusty Boxes: Connecting Undergraduates with Special Collections Holdings. North Carolina Library Association 2013 Conference, Winston-Salem, NC.