Morgan Ritchie-Baum
Morgan’s subject areas include: Business; Economics; Entrepreneurship; Accounting; Finance; Marketing & Advertising
Book a Research Session
Ritchie-Baum, Morgan, Levandowski, Andrea, Toane, Carey, & Cramer, Steven. (2023). Cannabis entrepreneurship: A guide to core concepts, resources, and research strategies. Journal of Business & Finance Librarianship, 28(1), 1-35.
Ritchie-Baum, Morgan, Thynne, Sara, & Cramer, Steven. (2021). Creating the Entrepreneurship & Libraries Conference 2020: A Collaboration of Public, Special, and Academic Librarians, Vendors, and Economic Development Stakeholders". Collaborative Librarianship, 12(3), 12.
Book Reviews
Ritchie-Baum, Morgan. (2022). Review- Liaison Engagement Success: A Practical Guide for Librarians,. Technical Services Quarterly, 39(2).
Ritchie-Baum, Morgan, & Krstevska, Summer. (2023, July). The devil is in the details: Letting go of control in the business information classroom. BRASS Summer Symposium, Virtual.
Ritchie-Baum, Morgan, & Krstevska, Summer. (2023, March). Expanding within, to expand without: Expanding the vision of what's relevant in business research & instruction. SOUCABL Conference, Athens, GA.
Ritchie-Baum, Morgan, & Cramer, Steve. (2022, July). Getting real with entrepreneurship: Teaching and training on equity and ethical themes using authentic research sources. SLA 2022: Source Forward, Charlotte, NC.
Ritchie-Baum, Morgan, & Krstevska, Summer. (2022, January). Exploring Data Driven Decision Making. USASBE 2022, Raleigh, NC.
Ritchie-Baum, Morgan, & Krstevska, Summer. (2021, December). Non-traditional resources as a tool for emphasizing tension, context and meaning in the post-COVID classroom. 2021 BRASS Symposium, Online.
Committees & Offices
Business Librarianship in North Carolina, Chair. (October 2021 - Present).
Business Librarianship in North Carolina, Director at Large. (May 2020 - October 2021).