Research Guides
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Looking for the best resources? Start with our research guides. We’ve got course guides, subject guides, and more! Not sure where to start? Just ask!
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Subject Guides
- Accounting
- African American Studies
- African Studies
- American History
- Anthropology
- Area Studies
- Art & Architecture
- Arts - General
- Biology
- Business - General
- Chemistry
- Classics
- Communication
- Counseling
- East Asian Studies
- Economics
- Education
- Engineering
- English Literature
- Entrepreneurship
- Environment & Sustainability Studies
- Environmental Science
- Ethnic Studies
- Film Studies
- Finance
- First Year Seminars
- Health Sciences & Medicine
- History - General
- Humanities - General
- Jewish Studies
- Journalism
- Latin American & Latino Studies
- Law
- Library & Information Science
- Linguistics
- Marketing & Advertising
- Mathematics
- Medieval & Early Modern Studies
- Middle East & South Asia Studies
- Music & Performing Arts
- Neuroscience
- Physics
- Political Science
- Primary Sources
- Psychology
- Public Administration
- Religion
- Russian & East European Studies
- Social Sciences - General
- Sociology
- Special Collections & Archives
- Statistics
- STEM - General
- Women's, Gender, & Sexuality Studies
- World History
- World Languages & Literature
- Writing Studies
Course Guides
- AAS 390-A: Black Family Matters
- ACC 704: Data Visualization for Accountants
- ANT 360: Anthropology of Global Health
- ARB 351: Modern Arabic Literature
- BEM 211: Organizational Behavior
- BEM 287 Professional Development Workshop
- BEM 325 Consumer Behavior - Beahm
- BEM 325 Consumer Behavior - Herbst
- BEM-392 Seminar in Math Business Analysis
- BIO 150L & 160L Biology Labs
- BIO/BMB/CHM 371: Advanced Biochemistry Lab
- BIO362 Immunology
- CHM 351: Green Chemistry Technologies
- CHM 381 / 681: Chemistry Seminar & Literature
- CNS 721: Research and Statistical Analysis in Counseling (Online)
- CNS 748: Lifespan Development (Online)
- COM 250: Communicating for an Entrepreneurial Mindset
- COM 370 + 360: Storytelling & the Entrepreneur
- COM 370: Diversity & Difference in Organizations
- Deacon Springboard
- EAL 296: Japanese Across the Curriculum
- ECN 219: Behavioral Economics
- ECN 270: Current Economic Issues
- EGR 112, Stormwater runoff (Spring 2024)
- EGR 212, Transport Phenomena
- EGR 314, Senior Capstone
- EGR 324, Using StoryMaps to Communicate Flood Risk
- EGR 338, Bioprinting and Biofabrication
- ENG 150: Good(?) Knight (Spring 2025)
- ENG 150: Writing About Objects
- ENG 165: What is a Human? (Spring 2025)
- ENG 175: Environmental Destruction (Fall 2024)
- ENG 175: Introduction to American Literature: Slave Narratives, Global and Local
- ENT 200: Foundations of Entrepreneurship
- ENT 303: Social Impact in Entrepreneurship
- FRH 329: Introduction to Business French
- FYS 100: Animals Make Us Human
- FYS 100: Black Lives Matter and the Academy (Spring 2025)
- FYS 100: Faith and Doubt (Spring 2025)
- FYS: China and the West
- FYS: Contemporary Russian Culture and Society
- FYS: Don't Call Me Crazy! A Journey Into Women's Mental Health in Fiction and Film
- FYS: In Cold Blood: Examining the Psychopath in Literature, Film, and Television
- FYS: Mathematical Puzzles and Games
- FYS: Paris: From Department Stores to Mystery Stories
- FYS: Poor but Sexy: Exploring the Arts, Culture, and History of Berlin
- FYS: Power and the U.S. Electrical Grid
- FYS: The Art of Scientific Communication
- FYS: To Curate
- FYS: Wealth - Defined, Explained, and How You Can Build It
- FYS100 (Fall 2022): Queering STEM: Exploring LGBTQ+ Experiences in Science, Technology, Mathematics, and Engineering
- Global View
- HCL 721: Healthcare Leadership
- HES 370 Biomechanics of Human Movement
- HES Honors: Research in Human Populations
- HST 102: Europe & the World in the Modern Era
- HST 105: Africa in World History
- HST 109: Asia and the World
- HST 110: Atlantic World Since 1500
- HST 114/WGS 214: Gender & Sexuality in World History
- HST 219: Germany to 1871
- HST 223: History of Britain to 1750
- HST 243: Middle East after 1500
- HST 247: Japan Since 1600
- HST 254 & 255: American West
- HST 256 & 257: U.S. and the World
- HST 258: Colonial North America
- HST 265: US History 1933 to 2016
- HST 268 & 269: African History to 1870 and The Colonial Encounter in Africa
- HST 307: Italian Renaissance
- HST 323: Wives, Writers, and Witches: Women and Gender in Early Modern Europe
- HST 324: Fashion in the 18th Century
- HST 385: History through Film: Bollywood and the Making of Modern India
- HST 388 - Nation, Faith, and Gender in the Modern Middle East
- HST 390: Colonial Encounters, 19th and 20th Centuries
- HST 390: Mediterranean Renaissances
- HST 390: World War II, War Crimes, and US and International Law
- Leadership & Character in Entrepreneurship
- LIB 100: Academic Research and Information Issues
- MGT 2665: Consumer Psychology & Decision Making
- MSBA Practicum Project
- MSM Graduate Consulting Project (GCP)
- Play in Physical and Digital Worlds: Learning from Games
- POL 242: Southeast Asian Politics
- POL 280: Research Methods in Politics and International Affairs
- POL 399: China-US Relations
- REL364: Topics in US Religious History: Jonestown
- Research Guide for Spanish Art
- WakeABLE Case Study Workshop
- Winston-Salem's Entrepreneurial Ecosystem - COM334/ENT306
- WRI 111: Eco-Mindfulness
- WRI 111: Everyday Rhetoric and Popular Culture
- WRI 111: On Play and Games
- WRI 111: Re-Vision: Narratives of Mental Health
- WRI 111: Rhetoric & Literacy for Life
- WRI 111: Rhetoric of Food & WRI 111: Controversies
- WRI 111: Wander, Gather, Write
- WRI 111: What's (y)our story?
- WRI110 Archival Rhetorics / WRI111 Voices from the Forest
Other Guides
- Adam Matthew Collections at WFU
- APA 6th ed. Style Guide
- APA 7th ed. Style Guide
- Brand Audits & Marketing Plans
- Business School Job & Internship Guide
- Case Studies - Business, Economics & Entrepreneurship
- Financial Technology & Analytics (Fintech) - School of Professional Studies
- Finding Music in ZSR Library
- Guide to Primary Sources on American Indians in ZSR Special Collections and Archives
- How to Read the Wall Street Journal (
- Lean Canvas
- Library Orientation for Online Students
- Managing and Preserving Research Data
- Market Sizing
- Marketing Management
- Mergers & Acquisitions
- MLA 7th ed. Style Guide
- MLA 8th ed. Style Guide
- Multimedia Production
- Nonprofits
- North Carolina Baptist Historical Collection
- Open Access
- Primary Sources at ZSR
- Resources for Life After Wake
- Shakespeare's Sources in the ZSR Rare Books Collection
- Strategic Management
- Triad Academic Library Association
- Zotero
- ZSR Institutional Site Access
- ZSR Library Guide for International Students
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