About Digital Collections
Z. Smith Reynolds Library’s Digital Collections provides 24/7 access to over 245,000 unique digitized items within 112 online collections. Materials from the ZSR Digital Collections are primarily derived from the physical items housed within ZSR’s Special Collections & Archives. The subject matter includes information pertaining to the history of Wake Forest University, North Carolina Baptist churches, the American Civil War, and more. Formats include historic images, text, sound, and video recordings.
Digital Collections Mission Statement
Special Collections & Archives and the Digital Initiatives & Scholarly Communication Team are committed to digitizing and digitally preserving ZSR Library’s rare and unique materials in order to broaden access and use. This effort includes the creation, distribution, management, and ongoing preservation of digitized and born-digital materials for administrative, teaching, research, and public service needs.
Citation & Copyright
See the Citation & Copyright Policy of Special Collections & Archives.
Sensitive Materials
ZSR’s Digital Collections materials are derived from the physical documents housed within Special Collections and Archives, and are made accessible to the public as historical record. Some materials within our collections contain offensive images, language, or other content. These records document a time and place in history, serving as a portrayal of the social mindsets and occurrences of their time. They do not mirror the current views of Wake Forest University or the Z. Smith Reynolds Library, which seek to encourage a vibrant and diverse learning community.
Description & Review Requests
Anyone with questions, concerns, or review requests regarding content contained in the Z. Smith Reynolds Library Digital Collections is encouraged to contact Special Collections and Archives. We will evaluate review requests on a case-by-case basis. Wake Forest University has the right to alter, remove, or retain content, barring copyright claims.