Caring For Our Collections: A Day in the Life of a Preservation Librarian
Special Collections & Archives Exhibit

Caring For Our Collections: A Day in the Life of a Preservation Librarian
March 6, 2017 – July 31, 2017
Z. Smith Reynolds Library Special Collections & Archives Reading Room (625)
Curated by Craig Fansler
Craig Fansler is Preservation Librarian in the Z. Smith Reynolds Library at Wake Forest University, a position that he’s held for 22 years. Craig repairs books, encapsulates photographs and documents, and constructs archival boxes and enclosures for the ZSR Library at Wake Forest University. He also designs print materials for ZSR Library and manages the library exhibits. . He teaches book repair workshops regularly across North Carolina In 2013, Craig accepted a donation to the library of a letterpress print shop from a local individual and has been using the press to print bookmarks and poetry broadsides. He teaches book repair workshops regularly across North Carolina.