Faithully English’d: Classical Literature in Translation
Special Collections & Archives Exhibit
Faithully English'd: Classical Literature in Translation
August 2012 – February 2013
Special Collections Reading Room (ZSR 625)
Curated by Megan Mulder
This exhibit features Greek and Latin classics in English translations from the 14th through 20th centuries, including translations by Geoffrey Chaucer, George Sandys, John Dryden, Aphra Behn, Alexander Pope, Ezra Pound, Allen Mandelbaum, and many others. The books themselves, all from the ZSR Rare Books Collection and published from the 16th through 20th centuries, are as varied as the texts they convey. From large, lavishly illustrated folios to cheaply bound schoolbooks, the different physical manifestations attest to the diverse readership of classical translations.