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First ITC Filmstudio project now showing

Wake Forest undergrads Corinne Ung, Alana Wilson, Aaron Green, and Marshall Milliken completed the first video project in the ITC Filmstudio late last week. After two days of filming and over six additional hours worth of editing and compiling, the students, with assistance from ITC, created an evening news program for a Spanish class project.... Continue reading “First ITC Filmstudio project now showing”

ITC Film studio hits inaugural use, goes multi-lingual in one morning

This morning our ITC filming studio had its inaugural use this morning. Our own production engineer Barry Davis worked with students to film in front of a green screen so that they can superimpose an image of Mexico City. Many thanks to Barry for taking on the heavy lifting of this project and to making... Continue reading “ITC Film studio hits inaugural use, goes multi-lingual in one morning”