
Here @ ZSR

Our Digital Life

As a librarian, my job is to preserve library materials: books, paper items such as posters or hand printed broadsides, and any other paper materials the library has acquired. It’s rewarding. I take a very old and brittle book, carefully mend the broken joints and torn pages, and restore it to usability. This is good... Continue reading “Our Digital Life”

“Preserving Forsyth’s Past” LSTA Grant Workshop

CoAuthor: Barry Davis Craig and Rachel lead a session on book repair At 9 am on Saturday, November 21, we held the first public training session for the LSTA Outreach Grant at the Central Branch of FCPL. Audra Eagle, Giz and Craig have been working on this training for several months, and held a pilot... Continue reading ““Preserving Forsyth’s Past” LSTA Grant Workshop”

Found in the Stacks: Antebellum Ag Mag

With plenty of prodding from Patrick, I am slowly resolving cases where loose journal issues are either tied up in string or are falling over in a cardboard box. One such box contained most of the 1966 issues of Carolina Farmer. When I looked inside, I was surprised to discover four issues of Southern Agriculturist... Continue reading “Found in the Stacks: Antebellum Ag Mag”