#Richard M. Burr Congressional Collection

Here @ ZSR

An Inside Look at Senator Richard Burr’s Memorabilia Collection

Welcome back to another processing update for the Senator Richard Burr Collection! Since my last update, I have been busy working on one of the largest and most challenging series in the collection: memorabilia. This series has posed some tough challenges during processing, but the effort has been worth it to make this fascinating and... Continue reading “An Inside Look at Senator Richard Burr’s Memorabilia Collection”

Richard Burr Collection Processing Update

It’s time for another Richard Burr Collection processing update! In my previous blog post, I described the first steps of this massive project: taking an initial inventory of the entire collection and writing the processing plan which will guide the next two years of the project. Since that update, I have been busy processing the... Continue reading “Richard Burr Collection Processing Update”

Planning and Processing of the Richard Burr Collection

My name is Kate Trathen, and in January I started working as the Richard Burr Congressional Collection Archivist at ZSR Library. I am a Raleigh native, and I received my Masters of Library Science with a concentration in Archives and Records Management from UNC-Chapel Hill. Prior to starting at Wake Forest, I was the Electronic... Continue reading “Planning and Processing of the Richard Burr Collection”