#teaching strategies

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The topic for this Friday is Teaching Styles. Roz will be leading the session and will go over the results for a teaching perspectives inventory. Please bring the results to class. Continue reading “Announcement”

Day 5: Questions?

This is just a space in case you have questions or comments on the different learning styles/intelligences that we discussed! Continue reading “Day 5: Questions?”

Day 5: Learning Styles / Multiple Intelligences

On day 5, we discussed learning styles and multiple intelligences. As there are many theories on both these issues, and both overlap, we spent the first 15 minutes discussing trends between the two, and how to incorporate activities for people with strong learning preferences in each category. From there, Roz took the helm, putting a... Continue reading “Day 5: Learning Styles / Multiple Intelligences”


The next class is on different intelligences and learning styles. Roz and I will both be leading this session and would like for you all to take a learning styles inventory before hand. Roz will go over the results on Friday! Continue reading “Announcement”

Day 4: Questions?

This is just a space in case you have questions or comments on the different educational psychology issues we discussed! Continue reading “Day 4: Questions?”

Day 4: ID in Practice

Pair Work Today made use of pair work, though it evolved into groups of four or five. Pair work is a good way to create an environment where students feel comfortable talking. Introduce a topic, ask students to discuss an issue in pairs, then ask each group to share something they discussed. This lets shy... Continue reading “Day 4: ID in Practice”

Day 4: Educational Psychology

Today’s PowerPoint is much more informative than the last ones, as an illustration of the strengths and weaknesses of different styles of presentations. Please see today’s “meta” post for more information on this topic. Here is the information from the presentation: Educational Psychology – Presentation Transcript EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY February 13, 2009 Educational Psychology Studies how... Continue reading “Day 4: Educational Psychology”

Day 3: Questions?

This is just a space in case you have questions or comments on the different taxonomies we discussed! Continue reading “Day 3: Questions?”

Day 3: ID in Practice

The meta from today: I wanted to do one variation on the group work from last time to show how the same type of activities can be changed to keep it interesting enough that students have to follow directions and pay attention to what is going on in the room. You can also modify any... Continue reading “Day 3: ID in Practice”

Day 3: Teaching Taxonomies

The groupwork went so well in the last class that I wanted to do a slight modification in today’s. Lest anyone get too settled, we’ll do another type of activity next week. Today’s main goal was for everyone to learn a little about taxonomies; enough so that you can think back on it later if... Continue reading “Day 3: Teaching Taxonomies”