
Here @ ZSR

The Web Committee checks out Twitter

Earlier this month, ZSR’s Twitter account was born! Chris Burris has been updating regularly about events, resources, and announcements. We already have fourteen followers after just twelve days of tweeting! I took a look at a post from 2009 that attempted to list all the libraries on Twitter, and found a few university libraries that... Continue reading “The Web Committee checks out Twitter”

Our Digital Life

As a librarian, my job is to preserve library materials: books, paper items such as posters or hand printed broadsides, and any other paper materials the library has acquired. It’s rewarding. I take a very old and brittle book, carefully mend the broken joints and torn pages, and restore it to usability. This is good... Continue reading “Our Digital Life”

September 8: Facebook, Twitter, and LibGuides as Course Pages

Giz on Facebook He’s working with four classes that are using Fan pages to share information/host class discussions/etc Good idea to use consistent naming principles to make it easier to locate the course pages Students have to become a fan to have the information show up in their feeds Professors have to have an understanding... Continue reading “September 8: Facebook, Twitter, and LibGuides as Course Pages”