
Here @ ZSR

New Multimedia Equipment and Facilities Now Available

Faculty and students working on multimedia projects now have more equipment available for this purpose. In addition to the existing digital cameras and camcorders available for check-out from the library’s Information Technology Center (ITC), we now have Three new JVC HD hard drive camcorders, Three new Olympus audio recorders for creating podcasts, and A new... Continue reading “New Multimedia Equipment and Facilities Now Available”

Presidential Grants 2009

This spring ZSR awarded a third and final round of grants funded by the Presidential Trust for Faculty Excellence. These “Presidential Grants” support special library purchases and collection development projects. This year the library received 35 grant requests and awarded approximately $70,000. Individual grants ranged from $400 to $10,400, and the average grant was about... Continue reading “Presidential Grants 2009”

Copyright Clearance: Spring 2009

Since the fall, the Z. Smith Reynolds Library has assumed responsibility for copyright compliance for faculty using electronic Course Reserves. Prior to this development, faculty were expected to clear copyright themselves, which burdened faculty and resulted in uneven compliance. Because copyright law is difficult to interpret, the Conference on Fair Use (CONFU) guidelines were developed... Continue reading “Copyright Clearance: Spring 2009”

200-Level Library Classes a Success

Last fall, ZSR librarians began teaching 200-level research classes in an extension of our popular LIB100 program. These classes are intended for students who are majoring or minoring in a broad discipline area. The courses emphasize subject-specific research resources and methods. In the fall, we taught LIB210 Social Science Research and LIB220 Science Research, and... Continue reading “200-Level Library Classes a Success”

Cherokee High School Students to Return to Campus

Again this summer, Wake Forest University will sponsor the Cherokee CCAT (College Careers and Technology) program on campus, and ZSR librarians will participate. The Eastern Band of the Cherokee Indians invests a portion of their casino earnings into education and infrastructure initiatives on the Qualla Boundary. Among these are two programs that involve Wake Forest:... Continue reading “Cherokee High School Students to Return to Campus”

Database News

New Database The ZSR Library now subscribes to Europa World Plus, the online version of the Europa World Year Book and the Europa Regional Surveys of the World series. This resource contains political and economic information covering over 250 countries. Each country entry contains statistics, lengthy historical essays, and contact information for governments and agencies.... Continue reading “Database News”

Inauguration/MLK Event: The Dream Realized?

What Barack Obama’s Election Means to America The Z. Smith Reynolds Library proudly announces the first event of the Spring 2009 ZSR Library Lecture Series, “The Dream Realized? What Barack Obama’s Election Means to America.” This program will honor Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and commemorate the history-making inauguration of our nation’s 44th president with... Continue reading “Inauguration/MLK Event: The Dream Realized?”

Fines for Overdue DVDs to Begin in January

After consulting with the Library Planning Committee (consisting of both faculty and student representatives), the ZSR Library will begin charging overdue fines on DVDs this January. After a two-day grace period, fines will accrue at $1 a day. If another user has recalled the DVD, overdue fines will accrue at $5 a day. The fines... Continue reading “Fines for Overdue DVDs to Begin in January”

On the Lookout for New Books?

The New Books Wall displays the cover art of all books the library received in the last week. Click on a cover to view the book’s catalog record. If you are really intrigued, you can place a hold on the book via the “Request Hold/Recall” link at the top of the catalog page. If the... Continue reading “On the Lookout for New Books?”

New and Cool Tools for You and Your Students

Blogs and Wikis Several WFU faculty and librarians use blogs and wikis in their courses. The library can provide a free WFU blog or wiki for your classes. For help getting started, please contact the Instructional Design Librarian. The Toolkit The Toolkit contains brief multimedia tutorials designed to teach students specific research skills. Faculty can... Continue reading “New and Cool Tools for You and Your Students”