During July 2009

Here @ ZSR

ZSR Zephyrs On the Podium Once More!

Craig Races to the Toilet! Craig Watches Heather and Prentice in the Water Balloon Toss Another successful, fun filled Summer Olympic Challenge came to an end yesterday with a final “Mystery Event” Relay. The Zephyr Relay Team for the challenge was Craig (who competed in the toilet plunger toss), Prentice and Heather (water balloon toss)... Continue reading “ZSR Zephyrs On the Podium Once More!”

Poster Sessions Highlighted

What is a poster session? Surely, many have wondered what a poster session actually is. This week, ZSR has begun placing poster sessions from our staff in the exhibit cases on Reynolds 4. This will give the curious a chance to see many posters developed and presented by ZSR at a variety of conferences across... Continue reading “Poster Sessions Highlighted”

Did you know…by Ellen M.

As one of the newer employees at ZSR I understand it’s my turn to make a “Did you know…” entry so here goes. Did you know… I first started working in a library in junior high school because I was bored in study hall and the library was looking for volunteers. I met my husband... Continue reading “Did you know…by Ellen M.”

Pardon Our Dust

The Z. Smith Reynolds Library is under construction again this summer. Last summer, Starbucks. This summer, a new Help Desk. The IS Help Desk is moving to ZSR! The ITC is being remodeled to make room for the new service. During construction, noise and dust may be a problem in the atrium. Alternate quiet study... Continue reading “Pardon Our Dust”

Zephyrs ‘bring it’ in the fitness quadrathalaon

The Zephyrs took on the Summer Olympic Challenge quadrathalon on Wednesday and came home with a respectable third place finish. Susan started the event with a 500 meter row, Craig rocketed a 1.5 mile bike ride, Travis sped through a .5 mile run and to finish the event Prentice hit 50 pushups. The rest of... Continue reading “Zephyrs ‘bring it’ in the fitness quadrathalaon”

Summer Construction 2009 Underway at ZSR!

As the black plastic and noise indicate, the construction to convert the ITC into the IS Service Desk is well under way! The new door to the multimedia lab has been cut and framed allowing the lab to reopen (and offering a great view through the lab windows of the ongoing construction in the rest... Continue reading “Summer Construction 2009 Underway at ZSR!”

Deacon Discovery 2009 at ZSR!

On Sunday, July 12th, the 34 new student athletes who began classes on the previous Tuesday came to the ZSR Library in small groups of 6-10 students each. They were participating in a program called “Deacon Discovery”, a scavenger hunt around campus to introduce these news students to the various services available at WFU! In... Continue reading “Deacon Discovery 2009 at ZSR!”

Did you know … ?

I’m told it’s my turn … Did you know . . . I have 6 brothers & 5 sisters, and somewhere around 60 nieces & nephews. My bachelor’s degree is in music, but I started college as a math major, and studied Spanish translation for a time. My favorite dessert is ice cream; I also... Continue reading “Did you know … ?”

ZSR adds support for embedding mathematical formulas in a wiki

ZSR wikis have a new feature! We have added support for embedding mathematical formulas (using TeX syntax) into our wikis. If you currently have a ZSR wiki or if you plan on requesting one and want to use this feature, please let us know. For more information on using the <math> tags and TeX syntax,... Continue reading “ZSR adds support for embedding mathematical formulas in a wiki”