This article is more than 5 years old.

On Wednesday, February 25th the Wake Forest University Teaching and Learning Center sponsored a fair in Benson to provide an opportunity for members of the campus community to learn about the pedagogy, techniques, and tools currently in use by faculty. Lauren Pressley served as the representative from the ZSR Library and had an excellent display entitled “Teaching Information Skills in the 21st Century”. Lauren showed how librarians are using blogs, wikis, social networking sited and multimedia to create engaging learning environments for students. Many staff from the ZSR Library attended the event. Susan, Roz and I walked to Benson together and saw many other librarians engaged in conversations with the presenters.

Some of the displayed we saw at the fair included Leah Roy’s “ClassAct: Bringing Dramatic Literature to Life” which described an interdisciplinary theatre class that involves the ClassAct students acting out scenes from works related to the host class. Often the scene is delivered in a variety of ways that bring particular themes or concepts to light for the host class.

Sharon Woodard from Health and Excercise Science had a display on using the Turning Technologies Turning Point clickers in HES, and Jule Connolly from Mathematics had information about the newly formed “Math Center” to offer services similar to the Writing Center to Math students.

The fair was a great way to see what types of creative learning tools are already in use at Wake Forest, and it was a great place to get new ideas for engaging learners in the classroom!

Lauren at the Teaching and Learning Fair