During September 2010

Here @ ZSR

Journals Volumes Moving to Off-Site Storage

As explained in the previous issue, the library will move older journal volumes to the off-site storage facility, which is scheduled to open this winter. In preparation for the opening, some journals are already being boxed and bear the location “Interim Storage” in the catalog. Please use the request form if you need an article... Continue reading “Journals Volumes Moving to Off-Site Storage”

Database News

Electronic Journal Backfiles The ZSR Library recently bought online access to older volumes of over 1,300 electronic journals in ScienceDirect and SpringerLink. The content spans the curriculum and includes such leading titles as Tetrahedron, Animal Behaviour and World Development. While many of the journals were already available online from the current issue back to the... Continue reading “Database News”

Thin Client pilot project at ZSR Library

This summer the ZSR library partnered with our friends at Information Systems and Computer Science to examine the use of thin clients in different areas of the library. We put the machines in three areas – Public use areas, Circulation desk, and Resource Services. Not only were these thin client machines (meaning that they ran... Continue reading “Thin Client pilot project at ZSR Library”

Preservation in LIB100

One of the students in my LIB100 class brought in an old Bible and asked me to repair it. I figured this might be a nice gesture, so I did. The Bible came from Israel and has wooden covers. Each cover has a small circular place in which water and soil from Israel has been... Continue reading “Preservation in LIB100”

History of the Bucaniers of America, by Alexandre Olivier Exquemelin

Alexandre Exquemelin’s first hand account of the life of a pirate in the Spanish Main is the source of much of today’s pirate lore. From Long John Silver to Jack Sparrow, fictional pirates have their roots in Exquemelin’s 17th century bestseller. The History of the Bucaniers of America has been called the ur-text of pirate... Continue reading “History of the Bucaniers of America, by Alexandre Olivier Exquemelin”

New Technologies Available at ZSR

Beginning this semester, the Z. Smith Reynolds Library will begin circulating new, emerging technologies along with its other multimedia equipment from The Bridge. These items are available to all students, faculty, and staff of the University, and can be borrowed for up to three days at a time, checked out on a first-come, first-served basis.... Continue reading “New Technologies Available at ZSR”

Jack Yeats exhibit

Jack Yeats, the artistic brother of famed Irish author, William Butler Yeats, is featured in a recent exhibit. Jack Yeat’s work appears throughout the publications of the Cuala Press in broadsides, cards and illustrations. Yeats died in 1957, but his caricatures and paintings of Irish life are treasured. Continue reading “Jack Yeats exhibit”

I Love My Librarian! 2010 Award

Nominations are now open for the 2010 Carnegie Corporation of New York/New York Times I Love My Librarian Award. The award invites library users to recognize the accomplishments of librarians in public, school, college, community college, and university libraries for their efforts to improve the lives of people in their community. Nominations will run through... Continue reading “I Love My Librarian! 2010 Award”