During August 2011

Here @ ZSR

Images of the Old Testament, by Hans Holbein (1549)

Hans Holbein the Younger (1497-1543) is now best known as portrait painter of some of the most famous figures of Renaissance Europe, including Erasmus, Thomas More, and King Henry VIII of England. But as a young artist in his native Basel, Holbein also worked as an illustrator, producing drawings that would be reproduced in woodcuts... Continue reading “Images of the Old Testament, by Hans Holbein (1549)”

50th Anniversary of the Peace Corps

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WFU Student researches the MLK “I Have a Dream” speech

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Coffee exhibit

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The 20th Anniverary of the Wilson Wing of the ZSR Library

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The 400th Anniversary of the King James Bible

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Welcoming New Graduate Students

August is the season for orientations, and for the second year running, I was invited to participate in two graduate student orientation sessions. The first took place earlier this month on the Bowman Gray Campus (BGC), where I spoke to approximately 65 new students. If you didn’t already know, Wake Forest’s Graduate School of Arts... Continue reading “Welcoming New Graduate Students”

Welcome, Class of 2015

Dear Class of 2015, Welcome to your new life at the award-winning Z Smith Reynolds Library! ZSR stands ready to help you with your studies over the next four years. Our mission is to help you succeed, so please ask if you have questions about the library, the university, or anything else. Even if you... Continue reading “Welcome, Class of 2015”

Presenting at the WFU Writing Program Faculty Retreat

On Thursday, August 18th, I had the opportunity to talk with the WFU Writing Program Faculty as part of their two-day workshop/retreat. Prior to my presentation I was able to sit in on a discussion with eight of the writing program faculty and five faculty from various disciplines to discuss writing issues. The issues discussed... Continue reading “Presenting at the WFU Writing Program Faculty Retreat”

Humans vs. Zombies

With the popularity of our Capture the Flag game, we’ve added a new event for the second Friday of the semester! Join us for a game of Humans vs. Zombies in the ZSR Library! We will use Nerf Dart Blasters to ward off the Zombies in ZSR! Come battle the undead with us on Friday,... Continue reading “Humans vs. Zombies”