This article is more than 5 years old.

Holding the NOOK Simple Touch
The Bridge has new multimedia equipment available for reservation by student groups, faculty and staff. This equipment includes iPads, three sets of polling devices (a.k.a. “clickers”) and two portable speaker system sets, which are perfect for large events.
The Bridge now offers two “class sets” of Apple® iPadTM tablets. Faculty and staff may reserve these sets, which contain five iPads apiece, for up to two weeks for classroom use. These iPads come equipped with the same suite of trial applications available on the iPads currently loaned from The Bridge.
Clickers come in sets of 20, and three sets are available. By using a specific software plug-in to Microsoft PowerPoint, you can create and display questions and receive instant, anonymous feedback, displayed in configurable charts and graphs. Clickers are perfect for quick polls of a class or for group votes.
The speaker systems each come with two microphones as well as cables to plug into sound output from MP3 players or laptops. They set up and transport easily as they connect into each other to form one carrying case.
You can reserve the above items up to three months ahead by contacting Barry Davis, Coordinator of Multimedia and Digital Production Services, at x6172. Barry will happily answer any questions or provide basic instruction at the time of pickup.
The library has also expanded its e-book reader program to include three new models: the Amazon® Kindle 3, the Barnes & Noble NOOK The Simple Touch ReaderTM and the Barnes & Noble NOOK ColorTM. Two e-book readers of each model have been added to the library collection, bringing the total number of e-book readers available for checkout to eight.
Each new e-book reader will come preloaded with multiple e-books, ranging from the classics to recent bestsellers. You can find the e-readers in the library catalog, either by the brand name of the device or by the title of the book loaded on it. You can check out e-readers at The Bridge.