This article is more than 5 years old.

Tour of Recycle America

When the Sustainability Committee toured the campus recycling facilities last fall, we learned that WFU diverts tons of material from the landfill through recycling. In fact, the university gets paid for recycling certain materials.Thus, recycling contributes to sustainability in several ways: it helps the landfill by lessening the tonnage we dump, it saves the university money by lowering our tipping fees at the landfill and generates a bit of revenue for recycling valuable material. From a broader perspective, recycling contributes in other ways; it’s less expensive and more efficient to manufacture items using some recycled content rather than starting with all virgin material, so recycling contributes to lower consumption of fuel and raw materials.

The Sustainability Committee is working with campus facilities to find a date on which we can tour Recycle America, WFU’s recycling vendor. Watch the PDC announcements for the date and time. The tour will be limited to 10 people, so if you’re interested, sign up promptly.

Earth Day 2012

Terry LeGrand, President of the Piedmont Environmental Alliance (PEA) which organizes the Earth Day celebration, has asked me to serve on the organizing committee for next year’s Earth Day festivities. As the planning proceeds, I suspect that there will be volunteer opportunities for anyone who’s interested in contributing. I’ll post to the list-serve as opportunities arise.