This article is more than 5 years old.

On the evening of Friday, July 6th, the ZSR Library hosted our first game of OUTBREAK! for 90 students from the Ben Franklin Transatlantic Fellows Summer Institute and almost 50 students from the WFU Debate Camp!

Ben Franklin Transatlantic Fellows and WFU Debate play OUTBREAK in the ZSR Library

This updated version of Humans v Zombies uses bright yellow foam balls to replace Nerf blasters, speeding up the game and increasing the need for strategy in order to succeed! Removing the Nerf blasters simplifies the event while keeping it fun!

Outbreak Balls

A huge thanks to the faculty and program assistants of the BFTF for their help running the event and for being our test group of this new format for zombies in ZSR! Also, special thanks to Mary Beth Lock, Megan Mulder, and Brandon Britt for giving up their Friday night to help us host this event! The students loved it, leaving exhausted and with a new perspective on what goes on in an academic library!