Welcome back to another installment of 5 Questions! If you would like to choose 5 Questions yourself, feel free to choose 5 from this form.

Madison “Maddie” Koontz , Wake Forest Fellow for ZSR Library

Tell us about what you do at ZSR Library?

I am very new to this position, but I will be working on communications, outreach, events, and other projects.

What is your favorite library story? (or memorable experience?)

During my junior year, I spent days cutting out and ironing hundreds of vinyl hearts onto a jacket at the Wakerspace. I was creating a costume for the ZSR Halloween costume contest and I was so proud of my work and the effort that went into it. I ended up winning best overall but almost missed the announcement because I was busy solving logic puzzles with other students in the atrium.

How did you start working in libraries?

While I have grown up with a love of books and libraries, I never expected to actually work in one, especially as I got older. In elementary school, I ultimately chose the middle/high school that I attended because I liked their library better. I am so excited to have the opportunity to work here and learn more about the library and its internal functions!

What is something we can’t know by looking at you?

I love traveling and have been to 23 national parks, some of which are located in other countries. If I had to choose, my favorites would be the Great Smoky Mountains, Yellowstone, or Cinque Terre.

Is there something you want to tell us about yourself?

I graduated from Wake Forest in May of 2023 with a Bachelor of Science in Business with a double major in Business and Classical Studies. As an undergraduate, I was involved in the Alpha Delta Pi sorority, Wesley Foundation, Student Advising, the Wakerspace, CLASS Ambassadors, and Chamber Choir. Spring of 2022, I studied abroad in Rome, Italy with Temple University, and I would love the opportunity to return and become fluent in Italian.