In the fall semester of 2022, Rodrigo Castro reached out to Meghan Webb and me regarding Public Services and RIO collaborating on outreach events in ZSR. By the spring of 2023, Jemma Johnson was giving away socks to students who participated in the LibQual+ survey at the public service desk, and this fall, Maia Dickinson has taken the lead on Take Care Tuesdays (TCTs), an event ZSR piloted last spring to help spread the word about the new printing system!

Take Care Tuesdays were so successful in the Spring that we decided to continue them this fall, using them as an opportunity to inform students about services and initiatives in ZSR. Special thanks to Rodrigo Castro, Jemma Johnson, and Maia Dickinson for making these events and this collaboration such a great success, and Daisha Bunn and Maddie Koontz for photography and setup! After two more successful TCTs at the semester’s start, we are planning a third TCT on Tuesday, October 3rd, that will focus on Banned Books Week!

Take Care Tuesday-Fall 2023